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The History of European Photography, 掲載写真家リスト(list of photographers)
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938:758名
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969:854名
https://t.co/P2Lf4MuUg7 The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
1 . Burda, Vani
2 . Idromeno, Kolë
3 . Marubi, Kel
4 . Marubi, Pjetro
5 . Pici, Shan
6 . Sotiri, Kristaq
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
7 . Adèle (Atelier)
8 . Angerer, Wilhelm
9 . Atzwanger, Peter Paul
10 . Barakovich, Edith
11 . Benda, Arthur
12 . Bergler, Marianne
13 . Bock, Anton
14 . Bock, Hans
15 . Brandl, Stefanie
16 . David, Ludwig
17 . Defner, Adalbert
18 . Drawe, Hermann
19 . Eder, Josef Maria
20 . Ernst, Leo
21 . Feldscharek, Pepa (Josefine)
22 . Fenichel, Max
23 . Fleichmann, Trude
24 . Fürböck, Ernst Matthäus
25 . Geiringer, Trude
26 . Gerlach, Martin jun.
27 . Glogau, Edith
28 . Haluschka, Hugo
29 . Henneberg, Hugo
30 . Hilscher, Albert
31 . Hoffmann, Kitty (Katy Sarah)
32 . Horowitz, Dora
33 . Huber, Anton
34 . Husnik, Kurt
35 . Junk, Rudolf
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
36 . Karnitschnigg, Maximilian von
37 . Katz, Hella (Helene)
38 . Kolliner, Grete
39 . Koppitz, Rudolf
40 . Kosel, Hermann Clemens
41 . Kühn, Heinrich
42 . Lechenperg, Harald
43 . Lenhard, Hans
44 . Löwy, Franz
45 . Löwy, Josef
46 . Mayer, Emil
47 . Mertens, Marie
48 . Nähr, Moritz
49 . Niebuhr, Elly (Prager-Mandovsky)
50 . Novák, Karl
51 . d'Ora, Madame
52 . Pawek, Karl H.
53 . Percheid, Josef
54 . Reiffenstein, Bruno
55 . Residenz-Atelier
56 . Rothschild, Albert
57 . Rothschild, Nathaniel
58 . Rübelt, Lothar
59 . Schaffelhofer, Steffi
60 . Schein, Abraham Myron
61 . Schieberth, Hermann
62 . Schleich, Karl
63 . Schmutzer, Ferdinand
64 . Schostal, Robert
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
65 . Schuhmann, Heinrich jr.
66 . Schuhmann, Heinrich sr.
67 . Schuhmann, Ludwig
68 . Scolik, Charles jr.
69 . Scolik, Charles sen.
70 . Seebald, Carl (Karl)
71 . Setzer, Franz Xaver
72 . Skall, Otto
73 . Spitzer, Friedrich Viktor
74 . Stauda, August
75 . Stern, Alexander
76 . Suschitzky (Tudor-Hart), Edith
77 . Trčka, Anton Josef
78 . Valenta, Eduard
79 . Watzek, Hans
80 . Wiberal, Mario
81 . Willinger, Laszlo
82 . Willinger, Wilhelm (Mór)
83 . Wlassics, Adorjàn
84 . Wlassics, Olga
85 . Zapletal, Carl (Karl)
86 . Zimmerauer, Helene
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
87 . Berman, Ilya and Jankel, brothers
88 . Boretti, Vikenci
89 . Dashkevich, Lev
90 . Epstein, Lev
91 . Fishman, Monakhim
92 . Jastremsky, Fiodor
93 . Jukhnin, Somir
94 . Metor, Israel
95 . Miransky, Grigory
96 . Nappelbaum, Moses
97 . Ostrovsky, Vladislav Leon
98 . Plakhov, Lavr
99 . Prushynski, Stanislav Anton
100 . Soloveychik, Isaak
101 . Semeniaka, Vladimir
102 . Serbov, Isaak
103 . Serebrin, Ilya
104 . Zlotnikov, Piotr
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
105 . Alexandre
106 . Antony, Maurice
107 . Borrenbergen, Jozef Emiel
108 . Buyle, Ferdinand
109 . Breyer, Albert
110 . Chavepeyer, Emile
111 . Claine, Evrard-Guillaume
112 . Colard, Hector
113 . De Smet, Robert
114 . Dhuicque, Eugène
115 . Dubreuil, Pierre
116 . Fierlants, Edmond
117 . Gevaert, Lieven
118 . Ghémar, Louis
119 . Ghisoland, Norbert
120 . Guidalevitch, Victor
121 . Guiette, René
122 . Hannon, Edouard
123 . Hersleven, Jacques
124 . Kessels, Willy
125 . Lefrancq, Marcel-G.
126 . Leirens, Charles
127 . Magritte, René
128 . Massart, Jean
129 . Marissiaux, Gustave
130 . Mesens, Edouard Léon Théodore
131 . Misonne, Léonard
132 . Neuckens, Antony
133 . Nougé, Paul
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
Belgium (つづき)
134 . Remes, Henri
135 . Rombaut, Emile
136 . Simenon, Georges
137 . Sterken, Jozef
138 . Sury, Joseph
139 . Ubac, Raoul
140 . Van Parys, Germaine
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
Great Britain
141 . Annan, James Craig
142 . Arbuthnot, Malcolm
143 . Beaton, Cecil
144 . Brandt, Bill
145 . Broom, Christina
146 . Casson, Winnifred
147 . Coburn, Alvin Langdon
148 . Coster, Howard
149 . Evans, Frederick H.
150 . Hurley, James Francis 'Frank'
151 . Hutton, Kurt
152 . Jarché, James
153 . Johnston, J. Dudley
154 . Keighley, Alexander
155 . Ker-Seymour, Barbara
156 . McBean, Angus
157 . Man, Felix H.
158 . Muir, Ward (Wardrop) Openshaw
159 . Muspratt, Helen
160 . Nash, Paul
161 . Micholls, Horace W.
162 . Parkinson, Norman
163 . Ponting, Herbert George
164 . Smith, Edwin
165 . Smyth, Nora
166 . Spender, Humphrey
167 . Stone, Sir Benjamin
168 . Tanqueray, Paul
169 . Tudor-Hart, Edith
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
Great Britain (つづき)
170 . Suschitzky, Wolfgang
171 . Warburg, Agnes
172 . Wilding, Dorothy
173 . Yevonde, Madame
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
174 . Karastoyanov, Boncho
175 . Karastoyanov, Dimitar
176 . Katzev, Dimitar
177 . Georgiev, Georgi St.
178 . Karastoyanov, Ivan
179 . Balkanski, Pencho
180 . Papakochev, Petar
181 . Guteša, Vladimir
182 . Horvat, Vladimir
183 . Dabac, Tošo
184 . Drašković, Karlo
185 . Tomoljenović-Meller, Ivana
186 . Csikos-Sessia, Bela
187 . Mosinge, Franjo
188 . Fuis, Franjo
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
189 . Drtikol, František
190 . Ehm, Josef
191 . Hájek, Karel
192 . Jeniček, Jiří
193 . Jírů Václav
194 . Kašpařík, Karel
195 . Kohn, Rudolf
196 . Koch, Jindřich
197 . Lukas, Jan
198 . Růžička, Drahomír Josef
199 . Straka, Oldřich
200 . Štyrský, Jindřich
201 . Teige, Karel
202 . Vobecký, František
203 . Wiškovský, Eugen
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
204 . Bang, Jette
205 . Bente, Herman
206 . Damgaard, Holger
207 . Elfelt, Peter
208 . Folkmann, Julius
209 . Freddie, Wilhelm
210 . Henze, August
211 . Knudstrup, Anna
212 . Lauberg, Julie
213 . Nissen, Rie
214 . Topp, Marius Nikolaj
215 . Willumsen, Mary
The Netherlands
216 . Andriesse, Emmy
217 . Berssenbrugge, Henri
218 . Besnyö, Eva
219 . Blazer, Carel
220 . Blumenfeld, Erwin
221 . Boer, Adriaan
222 . Breitner, George Hendrik
223 . Citroen, Paul
224 . Clausing, Pieter Jr.
225 . Coppens, Martien
226 . de Haas, Nico
227 . Dewald, Christiaan Maria
228 . Eilers, Bernard
229 . Elenbaas, Wally
230 . Fernhout, John
231 . Guermonprez, Paul
>>2-12 スレッドを私物化するのは、やめましょう。
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
Denmark (つづき)
232 . Huijsen, Johan
233 . Idzerda, Wieger Hendricus
234 . Kamman, Jan
235 . Kiljan, Gerrit
236 . Kolthoff, Mark
237 . Loeb, Ernst
238 . Merkelbach, Jacob
239 . Mögle, Charles Emil
240 . Oorthuys, Cas
241 . Polak, Richard
242 . Salomon, Erich
243 . Schuitema, Paul
244 . van Moerkerken, Emiel
245 . Witsen, Willem Arnolds
246 . Wolf, Hans
247 . Zwart, Piet
248 . Zweers, Berend
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
249 . Epner, Elmar
250 . Gustavson, Oskar
251 . Hintzer, Karl (Hinto)
252 . Indus, K.
253 . Jurich, Alex
254 . Kaljo, Caesar
255 . Kalm, Artur
256 . Käosaar, Otto Edgar
257 . Kesa, Ernst
258 . Kompus, Hanno
259 . Lais, Bernhard
260 . Malm, Harry (Aleksander Fritz)
261 . Mülber, Johannes
262 . Nyländer, Nikolai
263 . Olbrei, Richard
264 . Pääsuke, Johannes
265 . Parikas brothers
266 . Parikas, Georg Johannes and Parikas, Peeter
267 . Russow, Edmund
268 . Saal, Andres
269 . Sarap, Carl
270 . Soosaar, Hans Wilhelm
271 . Thomson, August
272 . Treufeldt, Aadu
273 . Triefeldt, Jahanna
274 . Vanaveski, Hans
275 . Vannas, August
276 . Viikholm, Oskar
277 . von der Ley
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
Estonia (つづき)
278 . Walter, Lemberg
279 . Zapp. Walter
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
280 . Aho, Heikki
281 . Backman, Impi
282 . Brander, Signe Viola
283 . Brückner, Hanns
284 . Cajander, Henrik
285 . Desarnod, Auguste Joseph
286 . Donner, Kai
287 . Gallen-Kallela, Akseli
288 . Granö, Johannes Gabriel
289 . Hedenström, Osvald
290 . Iffland, Heinrich
291 . Inha, Into Konrad
292 . Karhumäki, Niilo
293 . Krohn, Julius
294 . Liebert, Petter Christoffer
295 . Mäkinen, Eino
296 . Neupert, Carl
297 . Nyblin, Daniel
298 . Nybom, Alfred
299 . Paavolainen, Olavi
300 . Pälsi, Sakari
301 . Paulaharju, Samuli
302 . Pietinen, Aarne
303 . Poutiainen, Paavo
304 . Poutvaara, Matti
305 . Rehnström, Fredrik
306 . Schohin, Wladimir
307 . Setälä, Vilho
308 . Sirelius, U.T.
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
Finland (つづき)
309 . Soldan, Nils Björn
310 . Ståhlberg, K.E.
311 . Strindberg, August
312 . Tenhovaara, Aarne
313 . Timirjasev, Ivan
314 . Wallin, Väinö
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
315 . Abbott, Berenice
316 . Albin-Guillot, Laure
317 . Atget, Jean Eugène Auguste
318 . Boiffard, Jacques-André
319 . Brassaï (Gyula Halász)
320 . Cahun, Claude
321 . Capa, Robert
322 . Demachy, Robert
323 . Henri, Florence
324 . Kertész, André
325 . Kollar, François
326 . Krull, Germaine
327 . Lartigue, Jacques-Henri
328 . Lotar, Eli
329 . Maar, Dora
330 . Parry, Roger
331 . Puyo, Émile Joachim Constat
332 . Ray, man
333 . Sougez, Emmanuel
334 . Tabard, Maurice
335 . Ubac, Raoul
336 . Zola, Emile
337 . Zuber, René
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
338 . Arning, Eduard
339 . Bayer, Herbert
340 . Consemüller, Erich
341 . Dührkoop, Rudolph
342 . Erfurth, Hugo
343 . Eugene, Frank
344 . Graeff, Werner
345 . Hausmann, Raoul
346 . Heartfield, John
347 . Hilsdorf, Jacob
348 . Höch, Hannah
349 . Hoffmann, Heinrich
350 . Hofmeister, Oscar
351 . Hofmeister Theodor
352 . Lendvai-Dircksen, Erna
353 . Lerski, Helmar
354 . Man, Felix H.
355 . Moholy, Lucia
356 . Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo
357 . Munkácsi, Martin
358 . Perscheid, Nicola
359 . Peterhans, Walter
360 . Renger-Patzsch, Albert
361 . Retzlaff, Erich
362 . Salomon, Erich
363 . Sander, August
364 . Stone, Sasha
365 . Umbo
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
366 . Empeirikos, Andreas
367 . Chroussachi, Maria
368 . Kourbetis, Kiriakos
369 . Nelly's
370 . Papazoglou, Leonidas
371 . Poulidis, Petros
372 . Tsakirakis, Vasilis
373 . Vafiadakis, Giorgos
374 . Zografos, Nikos
375 . Balogh, Rudolf
376 . Bárány, Nándor
377 . Escher, Károly
378 . Haarm Ferenc
379 . Kálmán, Kata
380 . Kertész, André
381 . Munkácsi, Márton
382 . Pécsi József
383 . Székely, Aladár
384 . Vadas, Ernő
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
385 . Arnórsson, Halldór E.
386 . Brynjólfsson, Pétur
387 . Eymundsson, Sigfús
388 . Guðmundsson, Loftur
389 . Kaldal, Jón
390 . Magnússon, Ólafur
391 . Ólafsson, Magnús
392 . Sigurgeirsson, Vigfús
393 . Thorsteinsson, Gunhild
394 . Zoëga, Sigriður
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
395 . Bigger, Francis Joseph
396 . Browne, Francis Patrick mary
397 . Clark, John Joseph
398 . Cooke, John
399 . Cashman, Joseph
400 . French, Robert
401 . Green, William Alfred
402 . Hogan, W.D.
403 . Hogg, Alexander R.
404 . Hogg, David James
405 . Jolly, John
406 . Keogh, Brendan
407 . Lawrence, William Mervin
408 . McKinney, William Fee
409 . Shaw, Rose
410 . Synge, John Millington
411 . Watson, Hery Cecil
412 . Welch, Robert John
413 . Westropp, Thomas J.
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
414 . Bologna, Achille
415 . Bragaglia, Anton Giulio
416 . Bricarelli, Stefano
417 . Carell, Ghitta
418 . Carrese, Vincenzo
419 . Castagneri, Mario
420 . Depero, Fortunato
421 . Luxanrdo, Elio
422 . Masoero, Filippo
423 . Morpurgo, Luciano
424 . Vais, Mario Nunes
425 . Parisio, Giulio
426 . Pedrotti, Enrico
427 . Griva, Domenico Riccardo Peretti
428 . Pastorel, Adolfo Porry
429 . Rey, Guido
430 . Sansoni Guglielmo (Tato)
431 . Sella, Vittorio
432 . Sommariva, Emilio
433 . Veronesi, Luigi
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
434 . Bauls, Kārlis
435 . Buclers, Mārtiņš
436 . Dulbe, Artūrs
437 . Eizenšteins, Sergejs
438 . Feders, Jūlijs
439 . Johansons, Roberts
440 . Klucis, Gustavs
441 . Lakše, Kārlis
442 . Lapiņš Mārtiņš
443 . Ridzenieks, Vilis
444 . Rieksts, Jānis
445 . Sams, Martiņš
446 . Spunde, Dāvis
447 . Šmits, Pēteris
448 . Tisē, Eduards
449 . Žakerts, Gustavs
450 . Augustinas, Vytautas
451 . Bulhak, Jan
452 . Buračas, Balys
453 . Fleury, Stanislaw Filibert
454 . Jurašaitis, Alexandras
455 . Kolupaila, Steponas
456 . Laucius, Kazys
457 . Mongirdaitė Paulina
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
458 . Grekulov, Alexander F.
459 . Kondratsky, Pavel M.
460 . Ostermann, Frantzcitch Franz
461 . Ostermann, Iosifovna Albina
462 . Rotenberg, Shleoma
463 . Andersen, Elsa Garmann
464 . Blehr, Thomas
465 . Eide, Waldemar
466 . Piro Wilhelm
467 . Remfeldt, Aage
468 . Renbjør, Harald
469 . Schwitters Ernst
470 . Wilse, Anders Beer
471 . Wilson, Ralph
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
472 . Bednarczuk, Władysław
473 . Berman, Mieczysław
474 . Brzeski, Janusz Maria
475 . Bułhak, Jan
476 . Cyprian, Tadeusz
477 . Dederko, Marian
478 . Dederko, Witold
479 . Dobrzański, Lukasz
480 . Gardulski, Boleslaw
481 . Groer, Franciszek
482 . Hiller, Karol
483 . Krzywobłocki, Alexander
484 . Kurusza-Worobiew, Jan
485 . Lelewicz, Kazimierz
486 . Mikolasch, Henryk
487 . Neuman, Jan Alojzy
488 . Podsadecki, Kazimierz
489 . Romer, Witold
490 . Szczuka, Mieczysław
491 . Świtkowski, Józef
492 . Themerson, Stefan
493 . Tyszkiewicz, Benedykt Henryk
494 . Wański, Tadeusz
495 . Węcławski, Anatol
496 . Wieczorek, Antoni
497 . Witkiewicz, Stanisław Ignacy (Witkacy)
498 . Zakrzewski, Aleksander
499 . Zdanowski, Edmunt
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
500 . Alvão, Domingos
501 . Benoliel, Joshua
502 . Cunha, Ferreira da
503 . Fonseca, Arnaldo
504 . Martins, João
505 . Novaes, António
506 . Novais, Mário
507 . Paz dos Reis, Aurélio da
508 . San Payo, Manuel Alves de
509 . Worm, Júlio
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
510 . Auerlich, Wilhelm
511 . Bellu, Alexandru
512 . Berman, Iosif
513 . Brancusi, Constantin
514 . Brassaï
515 . Buzdugan, Nicolae
516 . Capşa, Gheorghe
517 . Chevallier, Adolph
518 . Cios, Tadeus
519 . Cristea, Nicolae
520 . Fischer, Emil
521 . Fucs, Samuel
522 . Grunberg, Moriţ
523 . Haimovici, Herman
524 . Ionescu, Nicolae
525 . Lonyai, Etienne
526 . Maksai, Ion
527 . Maksay, George
528 . Mladenovici, Ştefan
529 . Manakia, Ianakis
530 . Manakia, Milton
531 . Mandy, Franz
532 . Mezey, Mihály
533 . Nielsen, Christian
534 . Oliva, Ion
535 . Reiter, Virgil
536 . Roşu, Alexandru
537 . Ţaţu, Nicolae
538 . Ulrich, Constantin
539 . Viţă, Ion
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
540 . Alpert, Max Vladimirovich
541 . Andreev, Nikolai Platonovich
542 . Barshchevsky, Ivan Fedorovich
543 . Bulla, Karl Karlovich
544 . Bulla, Viktor Karlovich
545 . Debabov, Dmitri Georgievich
546 . Demutsky, Daniil Porfirievich
547 . Dmitriev, Maxim Petrovich
548 . Eliseev, Boris Sergeevich
549 . Eremin,Yuri Petrovich
550 . Ermakov, Dmitri Ivanovich
551 . Fisher, Karl (Avgust) Andreevich
552 . Friedlyand, Semyon Osipovich
553 . Grinberg, Alexander Danilovich
554 . Gryuntal, Vladimir
555 . Ignatovich, Boris Vsevolodovich
556 . Ignatovich, Elizaveta
557 . Ignatovich, Olga Vsevolodovna
558 . Ivanov-Alliluev, Sergey Kuzmich
559 . Karelin, Andrey Osipovich
560 . Khalip, Yakov Nikolaevich
561 . Khlebnikov, Alexander Vladimirovich
562 . Klepikov, Petr Vladimirovich
563 . Klutsis, Gustav Gustavovich
564 . Knorring, Oleg
565 . Langman, Eleazar Mikhailovich
566 . Lemberg, Regina (Evgenia) Grigorievna
567 . Lipskerov, Georgy Abramovich
568 . Lisitsky, El (Lazar Markovich)
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
Russia (つづき)
569 . Lobovikov, Sergey Alexandrovich
570 . Markov-Grinberg, Mark Borisovich
571 . Mazurin, Aleksey Sergeevich
572 . Metenkov, Veniamin Leontievich
573 . Mey, Albert Henrich Ivanovich
574 . Mrozovskaya, Elena Lukinichna
575 . Nappelbaum, Ida Moiseevna
576 . Nappelbaum, Moisey Solomonovich
577 . Nordman, Natalia Borisovna
578 . Nostits, Ivan Grigorievich
579 . Otsup, Petr Adolfovich
580 . Pavlov, Petr Pavlovich
581 . Penson, Max Zakharovich
582 . Petrov, Nikolai Alexandrovich
583 . Petrov, Nikolai Makarovich
584 . Petrusov, Georgy Grigorievich
585 . Prekhner, Mikhail
586 . Prokudin-Gorski, Sergey Mikhailovich
587 . Rodchenko, Alexander Mikhailovich
588 . Shagin, Ivan Mikhailovich
589 . Shaikhet, Arkady Samoylovich
590 . Shapiro, Konstantin Alexandrovich
591 . Sherling, Miron Abramovich
592 . Shishkin, Arcady Vasilievich
593 . Shokhin, Vladimir Nikolaevich
594 . Shokin, Leonid Vladimirovich
595 . Shterenberg, Abram (Avram) Petrovich
596 . Shtertser, Naum
597 . Skurikhin, Anatoly Vasilievich
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
Russia (つづき)
598 . Sokornov, Vasily Nikandrovich
599 . Svishchov-Paola, Nikolai Ivanovich
600 . Teleshov, Andrey Nikolaevich
601 . Telingater, Solomon Benedictovich
602 . Trakhtenberg, David Mikhailovich
603 . Trapagny, Anotoly Ivanovich
604 . Tules, Solomon (Semyon)
605 . Ulitin, Vasily Ivanovich
606 . Zelma, Georgy Anatolievich
607 . Zimin, Grigory
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
608 . Becić, Vladimir
609 . Bihali, Pavle
610 . Cvijić, Jovan
611 . Dedinac, Milan
612 . Djordjević, Vojin
613 . Glišić, Dragomir
614 . Janović, Zvonimir
615 . Jovanović, Vojislav
616 . Klajić, Gvozden
617 . Marjanović, Risto
618 . Matić, Dušan
619 . Nikolić, Marko
620 . Šoša, Svetozar Nikolić
621 . Petrović, Mihailo
622 . Ristić, Marko
623 . Simić, Aleksandar
624 . Simonović, Radivoj
625 . Stanojević, Djordje
626 . Stevanović, Vojislav
627 . Stojanović, Marko
628 . Šafranski, Alexandar
629 . Tchernoff, Samson
630 . Valić, Ljubiša
631 . Vočo, Nikola
632 . Živanović, Noe, Radojica
633 . Živanović, Stevan - Bor, Vane
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
634 . Alexander, Vojtech
635 . Blühová, Irena
636 . Divald, Karol
637 . Dohnány, Miloš
638 . Funke, Jaromír
639 . Hofer, Jozef
640 . Kiefer, Emil
641 . Kiefer, Ladislav
642 . Kollár, František
643 . Malík, Viliam
644 . Matz, Gustáv
645 . Plicka, Karol
646 . Protopopov, Sergej
647 . Socháň, Pavol
648 . Tamáš, Štefan
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
649 . Berthold, Avgust
650 . Brinšek, Bogumil
651 . Černiogoj, Avgust
652 . Ferjan, Franc
653 . Grossmann, Karol
654 . Klenenčič, Milan
655 . Kocjančič, Karlo
656 . Kocjančič, Peter
657 . Krašovec, Fran
658 . Pelikan, Josip
659 . Pfeifer, Marjan
660 . Pilon, Veno
661 . Ravnik, Janko
662 . Repič-Watzke, Jela
663 . Skerlep, Janko
664 . Smolej, Slavko
665 . Stepančič, Eduard
666 . Vertin, Janko
667 . Vesel, Fran
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
668 . Abarca, Pere Casas
669 . Aizpúrua, José Manuel
670 . Arissa, Antoni
671 . Cánovas, Antonio
672 . Casas, Gabriel
673 . Echagüe, José Ortiz
674 . Godes, Emili
675 . Gomis, Joaquim
676 . Iñigo, Carlos
677 . Lekuona, Nicolás de
678 . Masana, Jesep
679 . Pic, Pere Català
680 . Renau, Josep
681 . Renom, Miguel
682 . Sala, Josep
683 . Terradas, Esteve
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
684 . Bäckström, Helmer
685 . Berg, Bengt
686 . Bergne, Herman
687 . Cronqvist, Gustav W.
688 . Eriksén. Dagmar
689 . Flodin, Ferdinand
690 . Fries, Carl
691 . Goodwin, Henry B.
692 . Hamnqvist, Herman
693 . Heilborn, Emil
694 . Hübinette, Gösta
695 . Kaudern, Axel
696 . Lundh, Gunnar
697 . Malmberg, Gunnar
698 . Mesch, Emil Ragnar Borg
699 . Rahmn, Albert Wilhelm
700 . Ranch, Mathilda
701 . Riwkin-Brick, Anna
702 . Rosenberg, C. G.
703 . Runnquist, Inga
704 . Sandels, Karl
705 . Sjöbeck, Mårten
706 . Strindberg, August
707 . Thomasson, Nils
708 . Thorin, Johan E.
709 . Wahlberg, Arne
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
710 . Ballmer, Theo
711 . Bill, Binia
712 . Boissonnas, Frédéric
713 . Bosshard, Walter
714 . Cyliax, Walter
715 . Dietrich, Adolf
716 . Donetta, Roberto
717 . Finsler, Hans
718 . Frey, Theo
719 . Gaberell, Jean
720 . Geiser, Karl
721 . Heiniger, Ernst A.
722 . Hubacher, Carl Theodor
723 . Hürlimann, Martin
724 . Linck, Philipp
725 . Linck, Ernst
726 . Lüdin, Emil
727 . Maillart, Ella
728 . Martin, Germaine
729 . Matter, Herbert
730 . Meerkämper, Emil
731 . Mettler, Ernst
732 . Mischol, Domenic
733 . Mittelholzer, Walter
734 . Ruf, Camille
735 . Ruhé, Carl
736 . Schmidhauser, Eugenio
737 . Schuh, Gotthard
738 . Senn, Paul
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
Switzerland (つづき)
739 . Spelterini, Eduard
740 . (Schweizer, Eduard)
741 . Spreng, Robert
742 . Stankowski, Anton
743 . Staub, Hans
744 . Stauder, Hermann
745 . Steiner, Albert
746 . Tuggener, Jakob
747 . Wehrli, Bruno
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938の掲載写真家リスト
748 . Bolotov, Mikhail
749 . Demutsky, Daniil
750 . Fedetsky, Alfred
751 . Ivanytsky, Oleksiy
752 . Khmelevsky, Jozef
753 . Kasarev, Boris
754 . Mezer, Franz de
755 . Mokrycky, Miron
756 . Petrov, Nikolai
757 . Sotnyk, Dan
758 . Yermilov, Vasyl
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
1 . Albania Gegë(Grigor) Marubi
2 . Albania Ymer Bali
3 . Albania Ilia (Lilo) Xhimitiku
4 . Albania Jani Ristani
5 . Albania Dedë Jakova
6 . Albania Mehmet Kallfa
7 . Albania Pjetër Rraboshta
8 . Albania Petrit Kumi
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
9 . Austria Wilhelm Angerer
10 . Austria Christian Ludwig Attersee
11 . Austria Peter Paul Atzwanger
12 . Austria Heimrad Bäcker
13 . Austria Otto Breicha
14 . Austria Günter Brus
15 . Austria Lucca Chmel
16 . Austria Otto Croy
17 . Austria Adalbert Defner
18 . Austria Leo Ernst
19 . Austria Valie Export
20 . Austria Hans Frank
21 . Austria Padhi Frieberger
22 . Austria Ernst Haas
23 . Austria Ernst Hartmann
24 . Austria Hans Hass
25 . Austria Peter Hassmann
26 . Austria Walter Henisch
27 . Austria Albert Hilscher
28 . Austria Ludwig Hoffenreich
29 . Austria Heinrich Hoffmann
30 . Austria Kitty Hoffmann
31 . Austria Erika Hubatschek
32 . Austria Franz Hubmann
33 . Austria Rudolf Junk
34 . Austria Rerich Kees
35 . Austria Paul Kirnig
36 . Austria Raoul Korty
37 . Austria Adolf Krainer
38 . Austria Stefan Kruckenhauser
39 . Austria Wolfgang Kudrnofsky
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
40 . Austria Luis Kuhn
41 . Austria Harald Lechenperg
42 . Austria Erich Lessing
43 . Austria Elfriede Mejchar
44 . Austria Inge Morath
45 . Austria Simon Moser
46 . Austria Otto Muehl
47 . Austria Michael Neumüller
48 . Austria Elly Niebuhr
49 . Austria Hermann Nitsch
50 . Austria Yoichi R. Okamoto
51 . Austria Karl H. Pawek
52 . Austria Barbara Pflaum
53 . Austria Cora Pongracz
54 . Austria Alexander Prinzjakowitsch
55 . Austria Arnulf Rainer
56 . Austria Gottfried Rainer
57 . Austria Herbert Rosenberg
58 . Austria Lothar Rübelt
59 . Austria Gerhard Rühm
60 . Austria Julius Scherb
61 . Austria Eckart Schuster
62 . Austria Rudolf Schwarzkogler
63 . Austria Christian Skrein
64 . Austria Herbert Tichy
65 . Austria Franz Votava, Sr.
66 . Austria Harry Weber
67 . Austria Peter Weibel
68 . Austria Richard Wolfram
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
69 . Belarus Michail Ananin
70 . Belarus Vasiliy Arkashov
71 . Belarus Vladimir Dagaev
72 . Belarus Alexander Ditlov
73 . Belarus Vladimir Lupeyko
74 . Belarus Isaak Soloveychik
75 . Belarus Siargey Vishneuski
76 . Belarus Michael Zubey
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
77 . Belgium Roger Anthoine
78 . Belgium Yves Auquier
79 . Belgium Paul Ausloos
80 . Belgium Etienne Auwera
81 . Belgium Robert Besard
82 . Belgium Jimmy Bourgeois
83 . Belgium Bert Bracke
84 . Belgium Christian Carez
85 . Belgium Pierre Cordier
86 . Belgium Julien Coulommier
87 . Belgium Tjienke Dagnelies
88 . Belgium Edmond Dauchot
89 . Belgium Gilbert de Keyser
90 . Belgium Walter de Mulder
91 . Belgium Camille Detraux
92 . Belgium Léo Dohmen
93 . Belgium Christian Dotremont
94 . Belgium Antoon Dries
95 . Belgium Roland d'Ursel
96 . Belgium Lou Embo
97 . Belgium Suzy Embo
98 . Belgium Hubert Grooteclaes
99 . Belgium Jean Guyaux
100 . Belgium Virginia Haggard-Leirens
101 . Belgium Charles Henneghien
102 . Belgium Willy Kessels
103 . Belgium Roger Kockaerts
104 . Belgium Marcel G. Lefrancq
105 . Belgium Charles Leirens
106 . Belgium Marcel Mariën
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
107 . Belgium Jacques Meuris
108 . Belgium Jean Mil
109 . Belgium Robert Morian
110 . Belgium Frans Pans
111 . Belgium Marcel Permantier
112 . Belgium Frank Philippi
113 . Belgium Paule Pia
114 . Belgium Julia Pirotte
115 . Belgium Antoine Rulmont
116 . Belgium Herman Selleslags
117 . Belgium Filip Tas
118 . Belgium Georges Thiry
119 . Belgium Raoul Ubac
120 . Belgium Guy Vaes
121 . Belgium Paul Van den Abeele
122 . Belgium Serge Vandercam
123 . Belgium Albert Van Ommeslaghe
124 . Belgium Germaine Van Parys
125 . Belgium Georges Vercheval
126 . Belgium Roger Wolfs
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
127 . Great Britain David Bailey
128 . Great Britain Cecil Beaton
129 . Great Britain Ian Berry
130 . Great Britain Dorothy Bohm
131 . Great Britain Bill (Hermann Wilhelm) Brandt
132 . Great Britain Terence Donovan
133 . Great Britain Brian Duffy
134 . Great Britain Philip Jones Griffiths
135 . Great Britain Bert Hardy
136 . Great Britain Thurston Hopkins
137 . Great Britain David Hurn
138 . Great Britain Kurt Hutton
139 . Great Britain Tony Ray-Jones
140 . Great Britain Ida Kar (Kaaramian)
141 . Great Britain Roger Mayne
142 . Great Britain Don McCullin
143 . Great Britain Joseph McKenzie
144 . Great Britain Lee Miller
145 . Great Britain Grace Robertson
146 . Great Britain George Rodger
147 . Great Britain Patrick Ward
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
148 . Bulgaria Petar Bozhkov
149 . Bulgaria Vladimir Dimchev
150 . Bulgaria Georgi St. Georgiev
151 . Bulgaria Dimitar Katzev
152 . Bulgaria Lotte Mikhailova
153 . Bulgaria Petar Papakochev
154 . Bulgaria Nikolay Popov
155 . Croatia Marija Braut
156 . Croatia Ante Brkan
157 . Croatia Zvonimir Brkan
158 . Croatia Pavao Cajzek
159 . Croatia Tošo Dabac
160 . Croatia Nenad Gattin
161 . Croatia Mladen Grčević
162 . Croatia Miljenko Horvat
163 . Croatia Viktor Hreljanović
164 . Croatia Ivan Kožarić
165 . Croatia Alojz Orel
166 . Croatia Milan Pavić
167 . Croatia Slavka Pavić
168 . Croatia Žorž Skrigin
169 . Croatia Mladen Tudor
170 . Croatia Nino Vranić
171 . Croatia Nikola Vučemilović
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
172 . Czech Republic Pavel Dias
173 . Czech Republic Eva Fuková (Fuka)
174 . Czech Republic Tibor Honty
175 . Czech Republic Václav Chochola
176 . Czech Republic Běla Kolářová
177 . Czech Republic Josef Koudelka
178 . Czech Republic Jindřich Marco
179 . Czech Republic Emila Medková
180 . Czech Republic Miloň Novotný
181 . Czech Republic Ladislav Postupa
182 . Czech Republic Vilém Reichmann
183 . Czech Republic Jaroslav Rössler
184 . Czech Republic Jan Saudek
185 . Czech Republic Josef Sudek
186 . Czech Republic Jan Svoboda
187 . Czech Republic Zdeněk Tmej
188 . Denmark Tage Christensen
189 . Denmark Vagn Hansen
190 . Denmark Jesper Høm
191 . Denmark Reimert Kehlet
192 . Denmark Albert Mertz
193 . Denmark Gregers Nielsen
194 . Denmark Erik Petersen
195 . Denmark Keld Helmer-Petersen
196 . Denmark Viggo Rivad
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
197 . The Netherlands Oscar van Alphen
198 . The Netherlands Emmy Andriesse
199 . The Netherlands Maria Austria (Marie Karoline Oestricher)
200 . The Netherlands Eva Besnyö
201 . The Netherlands Carel Blazer
202 . The Netherlands Kors van Bennekom
203 . The Netherlands Violette Cornelius
204 . The Netherlands Martien Coppens
205 . The Netherlands Bernard F. Eilers
206 . The Netherlands Eduard (Ed) van der Elsken
207 . The Netherlands Paul Guermonprez
208 . The Netherlands Paul Eduard Bram Huf
209 . The Netherlands Cor Jaring
210 . The Netherlands Nico Jesse
211 . The Netherlands Ata Kando
212 . The Netherlands Hans Katan
213 . The Netherlands Joan van der Keuken
214 . The Netherlands Aart Klein
215 . The Netherlands Dolf Kruger
216 . The Netherlands Jaap d'Oliveira
217 . The Netherlands Cas Oorthuys
218 . The Netherlands Pim van Os
219 . The Netherlands Sem Presser
220 . The Netherlands Eddy Posthume de Boer
221 . The Netherlands Frits Rotgans
222 . The Netherlands Sanne Sannes
223 . The Netherlands Willy Schurman
224 . The Netherlands Krijn Taconis
225 . The Netherlands Carel J. Tirion
226 . The Netherlands Jan Versnel
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
227 . The Netherlands Cor van Weele
228 . The Netherlands Eduard (Ed) van Wijk
229 . The Netherlands Ad Windig
230 . The Netherlands Meinard Woldringh
231 . The Netherlands Steef Zoetmulder
232 . The Netherlands Nico Zomer
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
233 . Estonia Grigori Akmolinski
234 . Estonia Heino Arras
235 . Estonia Andrei Dobrovolski
236 . Estonia Karl Hintzer
237 . Estonia Jüri Karm
238 . Estonia Edgar Johannes Kalamees
239 . Estonia Ain Kimber
240 . Estonia Donald Koppel
241 . Estonia Udo Loigom
242 . Estonia Rein Maran
243 . Estonia Rein Nigol
244 . Estonia Valeri Parhomenko
245 . Estonia Paul Pere
246 . Estonia Johannes Saal
247 . Estonia Hans Wilhelm Soosaar
248 . Estonia Eric Soovere
249 . Estonia Halju-Hillar Suur
250 . Estonia Sigrid von Bremen Thomas
251 . Estonia Peeter Tooming
252 . Estonia Isi Trapido
253 . Estonia Oskar Viikholm
254 . Estonia Hans Vilper
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
255 . Finland Claire Ado
256 . Finland Heikki Aho
257 . Finland Arno Rafael Blomstedt
258 . Finland Kim Borg
259 . Finland Martti Brand
260 . Finland Caj Bremer
261 . Finland Ulla Finnilä
262 . Finland Emmi Fock
263 . Finland C.G. Hagström
264 . Finland Osvald Hedenström
265 . Finland Trond Hedström
266 . Finland Helge Heinonen
267 . Finland Isma Hölttö
268 . Finland Heinrich Iffland
269 . Finland Pauli Jänis
270 . Finland Olavi Kaskisuo
271 . Finland Kåre Kivijärvi
272 . Finland Timo Kirves
273 . Finland Yrjö Kokko
274 . Finland Seppo Konstig
275 . Finland Pãivi Kosonen
276 . Finland Kalle Kultala
277 . Finland Ensio Liesimaa
278 . Finland Einari Fredrik Merikallio
279 . Finland Eino Mãkinen
280 . Finland Tuovi Nousiainen
281 . Finland Seppo (Sebastian) Nurmi
282 . Finland Aulis Nyqvist
283 . Finland Ukko Ovaskainen
284 . Finland Max Petrelius
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
285 . Finland Aarne Pietinen
286 . Finland Matti Pietinen
287 . Finland Otso Pietinen
288 . Finland Matti Albert Pitkänen
289 . Finland Jussi Pohjakallio
290 . Finland Antti "Ana" Pullinen
291 . Finland Torsten Rancken
292 . Finland Eero Raviniemi
293 . Finland Rafael Roos
294 . Finland Georg Fredrik (Fred) Runeberg
295 . Finland Kristian Runeberg
296 . Finland Matti Saanio
297 . Finland Leena Saraste
298 . Finland Seppo Saves
299 . Finland Tyyne Savia
300 . Finland Vilho Setälä
301 . Finland Henrik Schütt
302 . Finland Salme Simanainen
303 . Finland Nils Björn Soldan
304 . Finland Börje Söderholm
305 . Finland Märta Söderholm
306 . Finland Georg Tschernochvostoff
307 . Finland Tenhovaara Aarne Johannes
308 . Finland Erkki Viitasalo
309 . Finland Marja Vuorelainen
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
310 . France John Batho
311 . France Edouard Boubat
312 . France Brassaï (Gyula Halasz)
313 . France Robert Capa (Endré Ernö Friedmann)
314 . France Gilles Caron
315 . France Henri Cartier-Bresson
316 . France Jean-Philippe Charbonnier
317 . France Chim (born as David Szymin/known as David Seymour in the U.S.)
318 . France Lucien Clergue
319 . France Raymond Depardon
320 . France Jean Dieuzaide
321 . France Claude Dityvon (Claude Raimond-Dityvon)
322 . France Robert Doisneau
323 . France Martine Frack
324 . France André Garban
325 . France Jean-Claude Gautrand
326 . France Izis (born as Israël Biderman/later known as Israelis Bildermanas)
327 . France Guy Le Querrec
328 . France René-Jacques (René Giton)
329 . France Willy Ronis
330 . France Jean Séeberger
331 . France Albert Séeberger
332 . France Jeanloup Sieff
333 . France Emmanuel Sougez
334 . France Jean-Pierre Sudre
335 . France Sabine Weiss (Sabine Weber)
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
336 . Germany Horst H. Baumann
337 . Germany Max Baur
338 . Germany Chargesheimer (Karl-Heinz Hargesheimer)
339 . Germany Hermann Claasen
340 . Germany Peter Cornelius
341 . Germany Max Ehlert
342 . Germany Erwin Fieger
343 . Germany Hubs (Hubertus) Flöter
344 . Germany Michael Friedel
345 . Germany Rolf (Herbert) Gillhausen
346 . Germany Gerhard Gronefeld
347 . Germany F. C. Gundlach
348 . Germany Ernst Haas
349 . Germany Robert Häusser
350 . Germany Walter Hege
351 . Germany Heinrich Heidersberger
352 . Germany Thomas Höpker
353 . Germany Heinrich Hoffmann
354 . Germany Hanns Hubmann
355 . Germany Peter Keetman
356 . Germany Edmund Kesting
357 . Germany Siegfried Lauterwasser
358 . Germany Adolf Lazi
359 . Germany Robert Lebeck
360 . Germany Norbert (Wilhelm) Leonard
361 . Germany Herbert List
362 . Germany Ulrich B. Mack
363 . Germany Charlotte March
364 . Germany Will McBride
365 . Germany Willi Moegle
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
366 . Germany Stefan Moses
367 . Germany Horst Munzig
368 . Germany Hilmar Pabel
369 . Germany Richard Peter
370 . Germany Christa Peters
371 . Germany Rico Puhlmann
372 . Germany Wolfgang Reisewitz
373 . Germany Regina Relang (Lang)
374 . Germany Willy Römer
375 . Germany Charlotte Rohrbach
376 . Germany Max Scheler
377 . Germany Karl Hugo Schmölz
378 . Germany Toni Schneiders
379 . Germany Friedrich Seidenstücker
380 . Germany Otto (Hugo Wilhelm) Steinert
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
381 . East-Germany Ursula Arnold
382 . East-Germany Sibylle Bergemann
383 . East-Germany Friedrich O. Bernstein
384 . East-Germany Christian Borchert
385 . East-Germany Arno Fischer
386 . East-Germany Edmund Kesting
387 . East-Germany Fritz Kühn
388 . East-Germany Ulrich Lindner
389 . East-Germany Karl Heinz Mai
390 . East-Germany Roger Melis
391 . East-Germany Richard Peter, Sr.
392 . East-Germany Evelyn Richter
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
393 . Greece Kostas Balafas
394 . Greece Andreas Embirikos
395 . Greece Dimitris Harisiadis
396 . Greece Dimitris Letsios
397 . Greece Costa Manos
398 . Greece Spyros Meletzis
399 . Greece Dimitris Papadimos
400 . Greece Voula Papaioannou
401 . Greece Giannis Stylianou
402 . Greece Takis Tloupas
403 . Greece Nikolaos Tombazis
404 . Greece Vassilis Tsakirakis
405 . Greece Giorgos Vafiadakis
406 . Greece Nikos Zografos
407 . Hungary Zoltán Berekméri
408 . Hungary Sándor Bojár
409 . Hungary Jenő Dulovits
410 . Hungary Károly Escher
411 . Hungary Károly Gink
412 . Hungary Károly Hemző
413 . Hungary Gyula Holics
414 . Hungary Rudolf Járai
415 . Hungary György Lörinczy
416 . Hungary József Németh
417 . Hungary János Reismann
418 . Hungary Marian Reismann
419 . Hungary Ernő Vadas
420 . Hungary László Várkonyi
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
421 . Iceland Hjálmar R. Bárðarson
422 . Iceland Rafn Hafnfjörð
423 . Iceland Þorsteinn Jósepsson
424 . Iceland Ólafur K. Magnússon
425 . Iceland Gunnar Rúnar Ólafsson
426 . Iceland Leifur Þorsteinsson
427 . Ireland Thomas Barker
428 . Ireland Fergus Bourke
429 . Ireland Joseph Cashman
430 . Ireland Herbert Cooper
431 . Ireland Larry Doherty
432 . Ireland John Hinde
433 . Ireland Nevill Johnson
434 . Ireland Joan Kennelly
435 . Ireland Pádraig Kennelly
436 . Ireland Brendan Keogh
437 . Ireland Alen MacWeeney
438 . Ireland Elinor Wiltshire
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
439 . Italy Gianni Berengo Gardin
440 . Italy Alfredo Camisa
441 . Italy Giuseppe Cavalli
442 . Italy Elio Ciol
443 . Italy Lanfranco Colombo
444 . Italy Mario Cresci
445 . Italy Luigi Crocenzi
446 . Italy Mario Dondero
447 . Italy Pietro Donzelli
448 . Italy Mario De Biasi
449 . Italy Mario Giacomelli
450 . Italy Uliano Lucas
451 . Italy Nino Migliori
452 . Italy Paolo Monti
453 . Italy Ugo Mulas
454 . Italy Federico Patellani
455 . Italy Franco Pinna
456 . Italy Fulvio Roiter
457 . Italy Ferdinando Scianna
458 . Italy Tazio Secchiaroli
459 . Italy Italo Zannier
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
460 . Lithuania Kazys Daugėla
461 . Lithuania Ilja Fišeris
462 . Lithuania Povilas Karpavičius
463 . Lithuania Algimantas Kunčius
464 . Lithuania Chanonas Levinas
465 . Lithuania Vitas Luckus
466 . Lithuania Aleksandras Macijanskas
467 . Lithuania Romualdas Rakauskas
468 . Lithuania Vytautas Stanionis
469 . Lithuania Antanas Sutkus
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
470 . Latvia Ulvis Alberts
471 . Latvia Ilmārs Apkalns
472 . Latvia Leons Balodis
473 . Latvia Gunārs Binde
474 . Latvia Uldis Brauns
475 . Latvia Vilnis Folkmanis
476 . Latvia Vladimirs Gailis
477 . Latvia Jānis Gailītis
478 . Latvia Jānis Gleizds
479 . Latvia Mikola Gnisjuks
480 . Latvia Valters Jānis Ezeriņš
481 . Latvia Gunārs Janaitis
482 . Latvia Indriķis Kalcenaus
483 . Latvia Hilda Kārkluvalka
484 . Latvia Jūlijs Karlovskis
485 . Latvia Eduards Rihards Kraucs
486 . Latvia Jānis Kreicbergs
487 . Latvia Valdis Lazdiņš
488 . Latvia Zanis Legzdiņš
489 . Latvia Zigurds Mežavilks
490 . Latvia Imants Puriņš
491 . Latvia Juris Riekstiņš
492 . Latvia Dāvis Spunde
493 . Latvia Egons Spuris
494 . Latvia Huberts Stankevics
495 . Latvia Aleksandrs Strautmanis
496 . Latvia Arvīds Šimis
497 . Latvia Jānis Tālavs
498 . Latvia Jānis Tālbergs
499 . Latvia Jakovs (Jans) Tihonovs
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
500 . Latvia Voldemārs Upitis
501 . Latvia Juris Upatnieks
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
502 . Luxembourg Paul Almasy
503 . Luxembourg Pol Aschman
504 . Luxembourg Norbert Ketter
505 . Luxembourg Tony Krier Sr.
506 . Luxembourg Edouard Kutter Jr.
507 . Luxembourg Théo Mey
508 . Luxembourg Lee Miller
509 . Luxembourg Marcel Schroeder
510 . Luxembourg Edward Steichen
511 . Luxembourg Romain Urhausen
512 . Moldova Pavel Bălan
513 . Moldova Boris Capnin
514 . Moldova Ion Chibzi
515 . Moldova Victor Rahmanov
516 . Moldova Albert Simanovski
517 . Norway Per Braland
518 . Norway Olav Tjonneland
519 . Norway Ole Friele Backer
520 . Norway Ernst Schwitters
521 . Norway Nils Viker
522 . Norway Johannes Stage
523 . Norway Rigmor (Dahl) Delphin
524 . Norway Sverre A. Borretzen
525 . Norway Aage Storlokken
526 . Norway Ivar Aaserud
527 . Norway Robert (Bob) Arthur Robinson
528 . Norway Bertel Christensen
529 . Norway Åge Fermann
530 . Norway Arild Kristoffersen
531 . Norway Dan Young
532 . Norway Kåre Kivijärvi
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
533 . Poland Zdzislaw Beksiński
534 . Poland Wojciech Bruszewski
535 . Poland Zbigniew Dlubak
536 . Poland Bogdan Dziworski
537 . Poland Edward Hartwig
538 . Poland Aleksander Jalosinski
539 . Poland Eustachy Kossakowski
540 . Poland Jerzy Lewczyński
541 . Poland Zbigniew Łagocki
542 . Poland Feliks Łukowski
543 . Poland Antoni Mikolajczyk
544 . Poland Fortunata Obrapalska
545 . Poland Andrzej Pawlowski
546 . Poland Marek Piasecki
547 . Poland Wojciech Plewiński
548 . Poland Julia Pirotte
549 . Poland Józef Robakowski
550 . Poland Henryk Ross
551 . Poland Andrzej Różycki
552 . Poland Zofia Rydet
553 . Poland Bronisław Schlabs
554 . Poland Zbigniew Staniewski
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
555 . Portugal Augusto Cabrita
556 . Portugal Gérard Castello-Lopes
557 . Portugal Adelino Lyon de Castro
558 . Portugal Carlos Afonso Dias
559 . Portugal Luis Cruz-Filipe
560 . Portugal Jorge Guerra
561 . Portugal Fernando Lemos
562 . Portugal Luís Noronha da Costa
563 . Portugal Eduardo Harrington Sena
564 . Portugal António Sena da Silva
565 . Portugal Varela Pécurto
566 . Portugal Victor Palla
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
567 . Romania Iosif Berman
568 . Romania Sylviu Comănescu
569 . Romania Spiru Constantinescu
570 . Romania Nicolae Cristoveanu
571 . Romania Mircea Popescu Faria
572 . Romania Iosif Fischer
573 . Romania Napoleon Frandin
574 . Romania Dan Er. Grigorescu
575 . Romania Liana Grill
576 . Romania Edmund Höfer
577 . Romania Alphonse Chevallier
578 . Romania Eugen Iarovici
579 . Romania Nicolae Ionescu
580 . Romania Dinu Lipatti
581 . Romania Heddy Löffler
582 . Romania Iozef Marx
583 . Romania Ion Miclea
584 . Romania Aurel Mihailopol
585 . Romania Alexandru Petit
586 . Romania Stelian Petrescu
587 . Romania Willy Pragher
588 . Romania Bazil Roman
589 . Romania Armand Rosenthal
590 . Romania Constantin Săvulescu
591 . Romania C. Ţaţu
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
592 . Russia Alexander Borisovich Abaza
593 . Russia Yury Vasilievich Abramochkin
594 . Russia Victor Vasilievich Akhlomov
595 . Russia Max Vladimirovich Al'pert
596 . Russia Dmitry Nikolaevich Bal'termants
597 . Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Bogdanov
598 . Russia Anatoly Konstantinovich Boldin
599 . Russia Alexander L'vovich Borodulin
600 . Russia Lev Abramovich Borodulin
601 . Russia Vitalijus Butyrinas
602 . Russia Mikhail Aronovich Dashevsky
603 . Russia Yakov Borisovich Davidzon
604 . Russia Vasily Vasilievich Egorov
605 . Russia Anatoly Nikolaevich Erin
606 . Russia Emmanuil Noevich Evzerikhin
607 . Russia Semyon Fridlyand
608 . Russia Anatory Sergeevich Garanin
609 . Russia Valery Al'bertovich Gende-Rote
610 . Russia Vadim Evgenievich Gippenreiter
611 . Russia Elena Borisovna Glazycheva
612 . Russia Igor Ivanovich Gnevashev
613 . Russia Mikola Vladimirovich Gnisyuk
614 . Russia Mikhail Petrovich Grachyov
615 . Russia Naum Samoilovich Granovsky
616 . Russia Samary Mikhailovich Gurary
617 . Russia Zinaida Alekseevna Karetnikova
618 . Russia Evgeny Pavlovich Kassin
619 . Russia Evgeny Ananievich Khaldey
620 . Russia Alexander Vladimirovich Khlebnikov
621 . Russia Oleg Borisovich Knorring
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
622 . Russia Gennady Victorovich Koposov
623 . Russia Viktor Borisovich Koretsky
624 . Russia Yury Mikhailovich Krivonosov
625 . Russia Boris Pavlovich Kudoyarov
626 . Russia Vasily Pavlovich Kunyaev
627 . Russia Vladimir Rufinovich Lagrange
628 . Russia Georgy Abramovich Lipskerov
629 . Russia Sergey Ivanovich Loskutov
630 . Russia Galina Nikolaevna Lukianova
631 . Russia Yury Fedorovich Luňkov
632 . Russia Alexandres Macijauskas
633 . Russia Oleg Vladimirovich Makarov
634 . Russia Mark Borisovich Markov-Grinberg
635 . Russia Nikolay Nikolaevich Matorin
636 . Russia Vilhelms Mihailovskis
637 . Russia Vladimir Gungenovich Musaelyan
638 . Russia Pyotr Nikokaevich Nosov
639 . Russia Igor Anatolievich Pal'min
640 . Russia Alexey Mikhaikovich Perevoshchikov
641 . Russia Sergey Petrukhin
642 . Russia Lev Mikhailovich Porter
643 . Russia Nikolay Nikolaevich Rakhmanov
644 . Russia Yakov Ilich Ryumkin
645 . Russia Nokolay Samoilov
646 . Russia Galina Zakharovna Saňko
647 . Russia Ivan Mikhailovich Shagin
648 . Russia Arkady Samoilovich Shaikhet
649 . Russia Lev Nikolaevich Sherstennikov
650 . Russia Valery Iosifovich Shustov
651 . Russia Valentin Sobolev
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
652 . Russia Georgy Nikolaevich Soshal'sky
653 . Russia Sergey Nikolaevich Strunnikov
654 . Russia Antanas Sutkus
655 . Russia Nina Alexandrovna Sviridova and
656 . Russia Dmitry Dmitrievich Vozdvizhensky
657 . Russia Vsevolod Sergeevich Tarasevich
658 . Russia Sergey Yakovlevich Ter-Oganesov
659 . Russia Mikhail Anotolievich Trakhman
660 . Russia Issac Ruvimovich Tunkel'
661 . Russia Victor Antonovich Tyomin
662 . Russia Alexander Vasilievich Ustinov
663 . Russia Alexey Aleksandrovich Vasiliev
664 . Russia Sergey Grigorievich Vasiliev
665 . Russia Alexander Borisovich Vikhansky
666 . Russia German Sergeevich Vorotnikov
667 . Russia Gerogy Anatolievich Zel'ma
668 . Russia Alexander Solomonovich Zhitomirsky
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
669 . Serbia Géza Barta
670 . Serbia Pavle Bojčević
671 . Serbia Stanoje Bojović
672 . Serbia Josip Bosnar
673 . Serbia Gyula Brezsán
674 . Serbia Bogoljub Cikota
675 . Serbia Branibor Debeljković
676 . Serbia Miodrag Đorđević
677 . Serbia Ivo Eterović
678 . Serbia Svetozar Grdijan
679 . Serbia Mirko Lovrić
680 . Serbia Vojislav Marinković
681 . Serbia Risto Marjanović
682 . Serbia Sekula Medenica
683 . Serbia Vidoje Mojsilović
684 . Serbia Hristifor Nastasić
685 . Serbia Borivoje Bora Nešković
686 . Serbia Savo Orović
687 . Serbia Petar Otoranov
688 . Serbia Miloš Pavlović
689 . Serbia Tomislav Peternek
690 . Serbia Milan Roglić
691 . Serbia Aleksandar Simić
692 . Serbia Georgije Žorž Skrigin
693 . Serbia Ratomir Ratko Stefanović
694 . Serbia Dragoljub Tošić
695 . Serbia Branko Turin
696 . Serbia Slobadanka Vasić
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
697 . Slovakia Pavol Hudec - Ahasver
698 . Slovakia Ladislav Bielik
699 . Slovakia Ladislav Borodáč
700 . Slovakia Tibor Borský
701 . Slovakia Ján Cifra
702 . Slovakia Stano Filko
703 . Slovakia Igor Grossmann
704 . Slovakia Elo Havetta
705 . Slovakia Pavel Janek
706 . Slovakia Karol Kállay
707 . Slovakia Michal Kern
708 . Slovakia Matej Štepita - Klaučo
709 . Slovakia Július Koller
710 . Slovakia Ľuba Lauffová
711 . Slovakia Viliam Malik
712 . Slovakia Martin Martinček
713 . Slovakia Ivan Matejka
714 . Slovakia Eduard Pavlačka
715 . Slovakia Stano Pekár
716 . Slovakia Bohumil Puskailer
717 . Slovakia Ľubomir Rapoš
718 . Slovakia Magdaléna Robinsonová
719 . Slovakia Alexander Sterlinger
720 . Slovakia Juraj Šajmovič
721 . Slovakia Anton Štubňa
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
722 . Slovenia Leon Dolinšek
723 . Slovenia Grupa OHO
724 . Slovenia Karlo Kocjančič
725 . Slovenia Peter Kocjančič
726 . Slovenia Jože Kološa-Kološ
727 . Slovenia Mario Maganja (Magajna)
728 . Slovenia Janez Marenčič
729 . Slovenia Janez Milčinski
730 . Slovenia David Nez
731 . Slovenia Miran Pavlin
732 . Slovenia Jože Petek
733 . Slovenia Marjan Pfeifer
734 . Slovenia Jakob Prešeren
735 . Slovenia Vladimir Simončič Vlastja
736 . Slovenia Stavko Smolej
737 . Slovenia Edi Šelhaus
738 . Slovenia Čoro Škodlar
739 . Slovenia Danilo Škofič
740 . Slovenia Joco Žnidaršič
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
741 . Spain Francesc Català-Roca
742 . Spain Joan Colom
743 . Spain Gabriel Cualladó
744 . Spain Eugeni Forcano
745 . Spain Francisco Gómez
746 . Spain Joaquim Gomis
747 . Spain Juan Ismael
748 . Spain Ramón Masats
749 . Spain Oriol Maspons
750 . Spain Xavier Miserachs
751 . Spain Nicolás Müller
752 . Spain Ton Sirera
753 . Spain Carlos Pérez Siquier
754 . Spain Ricard Terré
755 . Spain Eduardo Westerdahl
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
756 . Sweden Sten Didrik Bellander
757 . Sweden Astrid Bergman-Sucksdorff
758 . Sweden Beata Bergström
759 . Sweden Kerstin Bernhard
760 . Sweden Ellen Dahlberg
761 . Sweden Per Forsell
762 . Sweden Sven Gillsäter
763 . Sweden K W Gullers
764 . Sweden Hans Hammarskiöld
765 . Sweden Agnes Hansson
766 . Sweden Victor Hasselblad
767 . Sweden Rune Hassner
768 . Sweden Walter Hirsch
769 . Sweden Sune Jonsson
770 . Sweden Stig T Karlsson
771 . Sweden Kary Lasch
772 . Sweden Svante Lundgren
773 . Sweden Hans Malmberg
774 . Sweden Bengt Malmqvist
775 . Sweden Elliord Mattsson
776 . Sweden Lennart Nilsson
777 . Sweden Päl-Nils Nilsson
778 . Sweden Georg Oddner
779 . Sweden Lennart Olson
780 . Sweden Anders Petersen
781 . Sweden Anna Riwkin-Brick
782 . Sweden Gunnar Smoliansky
783 . Sweden Christer Strömholm
784 . Sweden Rolf Winquist
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
785 . Switzerland Werner Bischof
786 . Switzerland Kurt Blum
787 . Switzerland Henry Brandt
788 . Switzerland Emil Brunner
789 . Switzerland Ernst Brunner
790 . Switzerland Balthasar Burkhard
791 . Switzerland René Burri
792 . Switzerland Luc Chessex
793 . Switzerland Yvan Dalain
794 . Switzerland Hermann Eidenbenz
795 . Switzerland Willi Eidenbenz
796 . Switzerland Gertrude Fehr
797 . Switzerland Hans Finsler
798 . Switzerland Fischli/Weiss
799 . Switzerland Robert Frank
800 . Switzerland Theo Frey
801 . Switzerland Georg Gerster
802 . Switzerland Philipp Giegel
803 . Switzerland Martin Glaus
804 . Switzerland Rob Gnant
805 . Switzerland Henriette Grindat
806 . Switzerland René Groebli
807 . Switzerland Peter Werner Häberlin
808 . Switzerland Ernst A. Heiniger
809 . Switzerland Rpger Humbert
810 . Switzerland Monique Jacot
811 . Switzerland Hans Peter Klauser
812 . Switzerland Peter Knapp
813 . Switzerland Walter Läubli
814 . Switzerland Rudolf Lichtsteiner
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
815 . Switzerland Urs Lüthi
816 . Switzerland René Mächler
817 . Switzerland Fred Mayer
818 . Switzerland Jean Mohr
819 . Switzerland Bernhard Moosbrugger
820 . Switzerland Arnold Odermatt
821 . Switzerland Markus Raetz
822 . Switzerland Fernand Rausser
823 . Switzerland Ernst Scheidegger
824 . Switzerland Rolf Schroeter
825 . Switzerland Gotthard Schuh
826 . Switzerland Emil Schulthess
827 . Switzerland Paul Senn
828 . Switzerland Willy Spiller
829 . Switzerland Christian Staub
830 . Switzerland Hans Staub
831 . Switzerland Jacques Thévoz
832 . Switzerland Jakob Tuggener
833 . Switzerland Christian Vogt
834 . Switzerland Kartheinz Weinberger
835 . Switzerland Andreas Wolfensberger
836 . Switzerland Michael Wolgensinger
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
837 . Ukraine Mikhail Bolotov
838 . Ukraine Daniil Demutsky
839 . Ukraine German Dryukov
840 . Ukraine Diya Gai
841 . Ukraine Vladimir Grigorov
842 . Ukraine Boris Kasarev
843 . Ukraine Oleg Malevanny
844 . Ukraine Boris Mikhailov
845 . Ukraine Stepan Ozhga
846 . Ukraine Evgeny Pavlov
847 . Ukraine Olexandr Pezhansky
848 . Ukraine Yury Rupin
849 . Ukraine Arkady Shaikhet
850 . Ukraine Boris Sheinin
851 . Ukraine Aleksandr Suprun
852 . Ukraine Gennady Tubalev
853 . Ukraine Vasil Yermilov
854 . Ukraine Vladimir Yudin
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
1 Gegë(Grigor) Marubi
2 Ymer Bali
3 Ilia (Lilo) Xhimitiku
4 Jani Ristani
5 Dedë Jakova
6 Mehmet Kallfa
7 Pjetër Rraboshta
8 Petrit Kumi
9 Wilhelm Angerer
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
10 Christian Ludwig Attersee
11 Peter Paul Atzwanger
12 Heimrad Bäcker
13 Otto Breicha
14 Günter Brus
15 Lucca Chmel
16 Otto Croy
17 Adalbert Defner
18 Leo Ernst
19 Valie Export
20 Hans Frank
21 Padhi Frieberger
22 Ernst Haas
23 Ernst Hartmann
24 Hans Hass
25 Peter Hassmann
26 Walter Henisch
27 Albert Hilscher
28 Ludwig Hoffenreich
29 Heinrich Hoffmann
30 Kitty Hoffmann
31 Erika Hubatschek
32 Franz Hubmann
33 Rudolf Junk
34 Rerich Kees
35 Paul Kirnig
36 Raoul Korty
37 Adolf Krainer
38 Stefan Kruckenhauser
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
39 Wolfgang Kudrnofsky
40 Luis Kuhn
41 Harald Lechenperg
42 Erich Lessing
43 Elfriede Mejchar
44 Inge Morath
45 Simon Moser
46 Otto Muehl
47 Michael Neumüller
48 Elly Niebuhr
49 Hermann Nitsch
50 Yoichi R. Okamoto
51 Karl H. Pawek
52 Barbara Pflaum
53 Cora Pongracz
54 Alexander Prinzjakowitsch
55 Arnulf Rainer
56 Gottfried Rainer
57 Herbert Rosenberg
58 Lothar Rübelt
59 Gerhard Rühm
60 Julius Scherb
61 Eckart Schuster
62 Rudolf Schwarzkogler
63 Christian Skrein
64 Herbert Tichy
65 Franz Votava, Sr.
66 Harry Weber
67 Peter Weibel
68 Richard Wolfram
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
69 Michail Ananin
70 Vasiliy Arkashov
71 Vladimir Dagaev
72 Alexander Ditlov
73 Vladimir Lupeyko
74 Isaak Soloveychik
75 Siargey Vishneuski
76 Michael Zubey
77 Roger Anthoine
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
78 Yves Auquier
79 Paul Ausloos
80 Etienne Auwera
81 Robert Besard
82 Jimmy Bourgeois
83 Bert Bracke
84 Christian Carez
85 Pierre Cordier
86 Julien Coulommier
87 Tjienke Dagnelies
88 Edmond Dauchot
89 Gilbert de Keyser
90 Walter de Mulder
91 Camille Detraux
92 Léo Dohmen
93 Christian Dotremont
94 Antoon Dries
95 Roland d'Ursel
96 Lou Embo
97 Suzy Embo
98 Hubert Grooteclaes
99 Jean Guyaux
100 Virginia Haggard-Leirens
101 Charles Henneghien
102 Willy Kessels
103 Roger Kockaerts
104 Marcel G. Lefrancq
105 Charles Leirens
106 Marcel Mariën
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
107 Jacques Meuris
108 Jean Mil
109 Robert Morian
110 Frans Pans
111 Marcel Permantier
112 Frank Philippi
113 Paule Pia
114 Julia Pirotte
115 Antoine Rulmont
116 Herman Selleslags
117 Filip Tas
118 Georges Thiry
119 Raoul Ubac
120 Guy Vaes
121 Paul Van den Abeele
122 Serge Vandercam
123 Albert Van Ommeslaghe
124 Germaine Van Parys
125 Georges Vercheval
126 Roger Wolfs
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
Great Britain
127 David Bailey
128 Cecil Beaton
129 Ian Berry
130 Dorothy Bohm
131 Bill (Hermann Wilhelm) Brandt
132 Terence Donovan
133 Brian Duffy
134 Philip Jones Griffiths
135 Bert Hardy
136 Thurston Hopkins
137 David Hurn
138 Kurt Hutton
139 Tony Ray-Jones
140 Ida Kar (Kaaramian)
141 Roger Mayne
142 Don McCullin
143 Joseph McKenzie
144 Lee Miller
145 Grace Robertson
146 George Rodger
147 Patrick Ward
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
148 Petar Bozhkov
149 Vladimir Dimchev
150 Georgi St. Georgiev
151 Dimitar Katzev
152 Lotte Mikhailova
153 Petar Papakochev
154 Nikolay Popov
155 Marija Braut
156 Ante Brkan
157 Zvonimir Brkan
158 Pavao Cajzek
159 Tošo Dabac
160 Nenad Gattin
161 Mladen Grčević
162 Miljenko Horvat
163 Viktor Hreljanović
164 Ivan Kožarić
165 Alojz Orel
166 Milan Pavić
167 Slavka Pavić
168 Žorž Skrigin
169 Mladen Tudor
170 Nino Vranić
171 Nikola Vučemilović
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
Czech Republic
172 Pavel Dias
173 Eva Fuková (Fuka)
174 Tibor Honty
175 Václav Chochola
176 Běla Kolářová
177 Josef Koudelka
178 Jindřich Marco
179 Emila Medková
180 Miloň Novotný
181 Ladislav Postupa
182 Vilém Reichmann
183 Jaroslav Rössler
184 Jan Saudek
185 Josef Sudek
186 Jan Svoboda
187 Zdeněk Tmej
188 Tage Christensen
189 Vagn Hansen
190 Jesper Høm
191 Reimert Kehlet
192 Albert Mertz
193 Gregers Nielsen
194 Erik Petersen
195 Keld Helmer-Petersen
196 Viggo Rivad
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
The Netherlands
197 Oscar van Alphen
198 Emmy Andriesse
199 Maria Austria (Marie Karoline Oestricher)
200 Eva Besnyö
201 Carel Blazer
202 Kors van Bennekom
203 Violette Cornelius
204 Martien Coppens
205 Bernard F. Eilers
206 Eduard (Ed) van der Elsken
207 Paul Guermonprez
208 Paul Eduard Bram Huf
209 Cor Jaring
210 Nico Jesse
211 Ata Kando
212 Hans Katan
213 Joan van der Keuken
214 Aart Klein
215 Dolf Kruger
216 Jaap d'Oliveira
217 Cas Oorthuys
218 Pim van Os
219 Sem Presser
220 Eddy Posthume de Boer
221 Frits Rotgans
222 Sanne Sannes
223 Willy Schurman
224 Krijn Taconis
225 Carel J. Tirion
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
The Netherlands(つづき)
226 Jan Versnel
227 Cor van Weele
228 Eduard (Ed) van Wijk
229 Ad Windig
230 Meinard Woldringh
231 Steef Zoetmulder
232 Nico Zomer
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
233 Grigori Akmolinski
234 Heino Arras
235 Andrei Dobrovolski
236 Karl Hintzer
237 Jüri Karm
238 Edgar Johannes Kalamees
239 Ain Kimber
240 Donald Koppel
241 Udo Loigom
242 Rein Maran
243 Rein Nigol
244 Valeri Parhomenko
245 Paul Pere
246 Johannes Saal
247 Hans Wilhelm Soosaar
248 Eric Soovere
249 Halju-Hillar Suur
250 Sigrid von Bremen Thomas
251 Peeter Tooming
252 Isi Trapido
253 Oskar Viikholm
254 Hans Vilper
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
255 Claire Ado
256 Heikki Aho
257 Arno Rafael Blomstedt
258 Kim Borg
259 Martti Brand
260 Caj Bremer
261 Ulla Finnilä
262 Emmi Fock
263 C.G. Hagström
264 Osvald Hedenström
265 Trond Hedström
266 Helge Heinonen
267 Isma Hölttö
268 Heinrich Iffland
269 Pauli Jänis
270 Olavi Kaskisuo
271 Kåre Kivijärvi
272 Timo Kirves
273 Yrjö Kokko
274 Seppo Konstig
275 Pãivi Kosonen
276 Kalle Kultala
277 Ensio Liesimaa
278 Einari Fredrik Merikallio
279 Eino Mãkinen
280 Tuovi Nousiainen
281 Seppo (Sebastian) Nurmi
282 Aulis Nyqvist
283 Ukko Ovaskainen
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
284 Max Petrelius
285 Aarne Pietinen
286 Matti Pietinen
287 Otso Pietinen
288 Matti Albert Pitkänen
289 Jussi Pohjakallio
290 Antti "Ana" Pullinen
291 Torsten Rancken
292 Eero Raviniemi
293 Rafael Roos
294 Georg Fredrik (Fred) Runeberg
295 Kristian Runeberg
296 Matti Saanio
297 Leena Saraste
298 Seppo Saves
299 Tyyne Savia
300 Vilho Setälä
301 Henrik Schütt
302 Salme Simanainen
303 Nils Björn Soldan
304 Börje Söderholm
305 Märta Söderholm
306 Georg Tschernochvostoff
307 Tenhovaara Aarne Johannes
308 Erkki Viitasalo
309 Marja Vuorelainen
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
310 John Batho
311 Edouard Boubat
312 Brassaï (Gyula Halasz)
313 Robert Capa (Endré Ernö Friedmann)
314 Gilles Caron
315 Henri Cartier-Bresson
316 Jean-Philippe Charbonnier
317 Chim (born as David Szymin/known as David Seymour in the U.S.)
318 Lucien Clergue
319 Raymond Depardon
320 Jean Dieuzaide
321 Claude Dityvon (Claude Raimond-Dityvon)
322 Robert Doisneau
323 Martine Frack
324 André Garban
325 Jean-Claude Gautrand
326 Izis (born as Israël Biderman/later known as Israelis Bildermanas)
327 Guy Le Querrec
328 René-Jacques (René Giton)
329 Willy Ronis
330 Jean Séeberger
331 Albert Séeberger
332 Jeanloup Sieff
333 Emmanuel Sougez
334 Jean-Pierre Sudre
335 Sabine Weiss (Sabine Weber)
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
336 Horst H. Baumann
337 Max Baur
338 Chargesheimer (Karl-Heinz Hargesheimer)
339 Hermann Claasen
340 Peter Cornelius
341 Max Ehlert
342 Erwin Fieger
343 Hubs (Hubertus) Flöter
344 Michael Friedel
345 Rolf (Herbert) Gillhausen
346 Gerhard Gronefeld
347 F. C. Gundlach
348 Ernst Haas
349 Robert Häusser
350 Walter Hege
351 Heinrich Heidersberger
352 Thomas Höpker
353 Heinrich Hoffmann
354 Hanns Hubmann
355 Peter Keetman
356 Edmund Kesting
357 Siegfried Lauterwasser
358 Adolf Lazi
359 Robert Lebeck
360 Norbert (Wilhelm) Leonard
361 Herbert List
362 Ulrich B. Mack
363 Charlotte March
364 Will McBride
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
365 Willi Moegle
366 Stefan Moses
367 Horst Munzig
368 Hilmar Pabel
369 Richard Peter
370 Christa Peters
371 Rico Puhlmann
372 Wolfgang Reisewitz
373 Regina Relang (Lang)
374 Willy Römer
375 Charlotte Rohrbach
376 Max Scheler
377 Karl Hugo Schmölz
378 Toni Schneiders
379 Friedrich Seidenstücker
380 Otto (Hugo Wilhelm) Steinert
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
381 Ursula Arnold
382 Sibylle Bergemann
383 Friedrich O. Bernstein
384 Christian Borchert
385 Arno Fischer
386 Edmund Kesting
387 Fritz Kühn
388 Ulrich Lindner
389 Karl Heinz Mai
390 Roger Melis
391 Richard Peter, Sr.
392 Evelyn Richter
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
393 Kostas Balafas
394 Andreas Embirikos
395 Dimitris Harisiadis
396 Dimitris Letsios
397 Costa Manos
398 Spyros Meletzis
399 Dimitris Papadimos
400 Voula Papaioannou
401 Giannis Stylianou
402 Takis Tloupas
403 Nikolaos Tombazis
404 Vassilis Tsakirakis
405 Giorgos Vafiadakis
406 Nikos Zografos
407 Zoltán Berekméri
408 Sándor Bojár
409 Jenő Dulovits
410 Károly Escher
411 Károly Gink
412 Károly Hemző
413 Gyula Holics
414 Rudolf Járai
415 György Lörinczy
416 József Németh
417 János Reismann
418 Marian Reismann
419 Ernő Vadas
420 László Várkonyi
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
421 Hjálmar R. Bárðarson
422 Rafn Hafnfjörð
423 Þorsteinn Jósepsson
424 Ólafur K. Magnússon
425 Gunnar Rúnar Ólafsson
426 Leifur Þorsteinsson
427 Thomas Barker
428 Fergus Bourke
429 Joseph Cashman
430 Herbert Cooper
431 Larry Doherty
432 John Hinde
433 Nevill Johnson
434 Joan Kennelly
435 Pádraig Kennelly
436 Brendan Keogh
437 Alen MacWeeney
438 Elinor Wiltshire
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
439 Gianni Berengo Gardin
440 Alfredo Camisa
441 Giuseppe Cavalli
442 Elio Ciol
443 Lanfranco Colombo
444 Mario Cresci
445 Luigi Crocenzi
446 Mario Dondero
447 Pietro Donzelli
448 Mario De Biasi
449 Mario Giacomelli
450 Uliano Lucas
451 Nino Migliori
452 Paolo Monti
453 Ugo Mulas
454 Federico Patellani
455 Franco Pinna
456 Fulvio Roiter
457 Ferdinando Scianna
458 Tazio Secchiaroli
459 Italo Zannier
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
460 Kazys Daugėla
461 Ilja Fišeris
462 Povilas Karpavičius
463 Algimantas Kunčius
464 Chanonas Levinas
465 Vitas Luckus
466 Aleksandras Macijanskas
467 Romualdas Rakauskas
468 Vytautas Stanionis
469 Antanas Sutkus
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
470 Ulvis Alberts
471 Ilmārs Apkalns
472 Leons Balodis
473 Gunārs Binde
474 Uldis Brauns
475 Vilnis Folkmanis
476 Vladimirs Gailis
477 Jānis Gailītis
478 Jānis Gleizds
479 Mikola Gnisjuks
480 Valters Jānis Ezeriņš
481 Gunārs Janaitis
482 Indriķis Kalcenaus
483 Hilda Kārkluvalka
484 Jūlijs Karlovskis
485 Eduards Rihards Kraucs
486 Jānis Kreicbergs
487 Valdis Lazdiņš
488 Zanis Legzdiņš
489 Zigurds Mežavilks
490 Imants Puriņš
491 Juris Riekstiņš
492 Dāvis Spunde
493 Egons Spuris
494 Huberts Stankevics
495 Aleksandrs Strautmanis
496 Arvīds Šimis
497 Jānis Tālavs
498 Jānis Tālbergs
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
499 Jakovs (Jans) Tihonovs
500 Voldemārs Upitis
501 Juris Upatnieks
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
502 Paul Almasy
503 Pol Aschman
504 Norbert Ketter
505 Tony Krier Sr.
506 Edouard Kutter Jr.
507 Théo Mey
508 Lee Miller
509 Marcel Schroeder
510 Edward Steichen
511 Romain Urhausen
512 Pavel Bălan
513 Boris Capnin
514 Ion Chibzi
515 Victor Rahmanov
516 Albert Simanovski
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
517 Per Braland
518 Olav Tjonneland
519 Ole Friele Backer
520 Ernst Schwitters
521 Nils Viker
522 Johannes Stage
523 Rigmor (Dahl) Delphin
524 Sverre A. Borretzen
525 Aage Storlokken
526 Ivar Aaserud
527 Robert (Bob) Arthur Robinson
528 Bertel Christensen
529 Åge Fermann
530 Arild Kristoffersen
531 Dan Young
532 Kåre Kivijärvi
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
533 Zdzislaw Beksiński
534 Wojciech Bruszewski
535 Zbigniew Dlubak
536 Bogdan Dziworski
537 Edward Hartwig
538 Aleksander Jalosinski
539 Eustachy Kossakowski
540 Jerzy Lewczyński
541 Zbigniew Łagocki
542 Feliks Łukowski
543 Antoni Mikolajczyk
544 Fortunata Obrapalska
545 Andrzej Pawlowski
546 Marek Piasecki
547 Wojciech Plewiński
548 Julia Pirotte
549 Józef Robakowski
550 Henryk Ross
551 Andrzej Różycki
552 Zofia Rydet
553 Bronisław Schlabs
554 Zbigniew Staniewski
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
555 Augusto Cabrita
556 Gérard Castello-Lopes
557 Adelino Lyon de Castro
558 Carlos Afonso Dias
559 Luis Cruz-Filipe
560 Jorge Guerra
561 Fernando Lemos
562 Luís Noronha da Costa
563 Eduardo Harrington Sena
564 António Sena da Silva
565 Varela Pécurto
566 Victor Palla
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
567 Iosif Berman
568 Sylviu Comănescu
569 Spiru Constantinescu
570 Nicolae Cristoveanu
571 Mircea Popescu Faria
572 Iosif Fischer
573 Napoleon Frandin
574 Dan Er. Grigorescu
575 Liana Grill
576 Edmund Höfer
577 Alphonse Chevallier
578 Eugen Iarovici
579 Nicolae Ionescu
580 Dinu Lipatti
581 Heddy Löffler
582 Iozef Marx
583 Ion Miclea
584 Aurel Mihailopol
585 Alexandru Petit
586 Stelian Petrescu
587 Willy Pragher
588 Bazil Roman
589 Armand Rosenthal
590 Constantin Săvulescu
591 C. Ţaţu
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
592 Alexander Borisovich Abaza
593 Yury Vasilievich Abramochkin
594 Victor Vasilievich Akhlomov
595 Max Vladimirovich Al'pert
596 Dmitry Nikolaevich Bal'termants
597 Vladimir Vladimirovich Bogdanov
598 Anatoly Konstantinovich Boldin
599 Alexander L'vovich Borodulin
600 Lev Abramovich Borodulin
601 Vitalijus Butyrinas
602 Mikhail Aronovich Dashevsky
603 Yakov Borisovich Davidzon
604 Vasily Vasilievich Egorov
605 Anatoly Nikolaevich Erin
606 Emmanuil Noevich Evzerikhin
607 Semyon Fridlyand
608 Anatory Sergeevich Garanin
609 Valery Al'bertovich Gende-Rote
610 Vadim Evgenievich Gippenreiter
611 Elena Borisovna Glazycheva
612 Igor Ivanovich Gnevashev
613 Mikola Vladimirovich Gnisyuk
614 Mikhail Petrovich Grachyov
615 Naum Samoilovich Granovsky
616 Samary Mikhailovich Gurary
617 Zinaida Alekseevna Karetnikova
618 Evgeny Pavlovich Kassin
619 Evgeny Ananievich Khaldey
620 Alexander Vladimirovich Khlebnikov
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
621 Oleg Borisovich Knorring
622 Gennady Victorovich Koposov
623 Viktor Borisovich Koretsky
624 Yury Mikhailovich Krivonosov
625 Boris Pavlovich Kudoyarov
626 Vasily Pavlovich Kunyaev
627 Vladimir Rufinovich Lagrange
628 Georgy Abramovich Lipskerov
629 Sergey Ivanovich Loskutov
630 Galina Nikolaevna Lukianova
631 Yury Fedorovich Luňkov
632 Alexandres Macijauskas
633 Oleg Vladimirovich Makarov
634 Mark Borisovich Markov-Grinberg
635 Nikolay Nikolaevich Matorin
636 Vilhelms Mihailovskis
637 Vladimir Gungenovich Musaelyan
638 Pyotr Nikokaevich Nosov
639 Igor Anatolievich Pal'min
640 Alexey Mikhaikovich Perevoshchikov
641 Sergey Petrukhin
642 Lev Mikhailovich Porter
643 Nikolay Nikolaevich Rakhmanov
644 Yakov Ilich Ryumkin
645 Nokolay Samoilov
646 Galina Zakharovna Saňko
647 Ivan Mikhailovich Shagin
648 Arkady Samoilovich Shaikhet
649 Lev Nikolaevich Sherstennikov
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
650 Valery Iosifovich Shustov
651 Valentin Sobolev
652 Georgy Nikolaevich Soshal'sky
653 Sergey Nikolaevich Strunnikov
654 Antanas Sutkus
655 Nina Alexandrovna Sviridova and
656 Dmitry Dmitrievich Vozdvizhensky
657 Vsevolod Sergeevich Tarasevich
658 Sergey Yakovlevich Ter-Oganesov
659 Mikhail Anotolievich Trakhman
660 Issac Ruvimovich Tunkel'
661 Victor Antonovich Tyomin
662 Alexander Vasilievich Ustinov
663 Alexey Aleksandrovich Vasiliev
664 Sergey Grigorievich Vasiliev
665 Alexander Borisovich Vikhansky
666 German Sergeevich Vorotnikov
667 Gerogy Anatolievich Zel'ma
668 Alexander Solomonovich Zhitomirsky
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
669 Géza Barta
670 Pavle Bojčević
671 Stanoje Bojović
672 Josip Bosnar
673 Gyula Brezsán
674 Bogoljub Cikota
675 Branibor Debeljković
676 Miodrag Đorđević
677 Ivo Eterović
678 Svetozar Grdijan
679 Mirko Lovrić
680 Vojislav Marinković
681 Risto Marjanović
682 Sekula Medenica
683 Vidoje Mojsilović
684 Hristifor Nastasić
685 Borivoje Bora Nešković
686 Savo Orović
687 Petar Otoranov
688 Miloš Pavlović
689 Tomislav Peternek
690 Milan Roglić
691 Aleksandar Simić
692 Georgije Žorž Skrigin
693 Ratomir Ratko Stefanović
694 Dragoljub Tošić
695 Branko Turin
696 Slobadanka Vasić
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
697 Pavol Hudec - Ahasver
698 Ladislav Bielik
699 Ladislav Borodáč
700 Tibor Borský
701 Ján Cifra
702 Stano Filko
703 Igor Grossmann
704 Elo Havetta
705 Pavel Janek
706 Karol Kállay
707 Michal Kern
708 Matej Štepita - Klaučo
709 Július Koller
710 Ľuba Lauffová
711 Viliam Malik
712 Martin Martinček
713 Ivan Matejka
714 Eduard Pavlačka
715 Stano Pekár
716 Bohumil Puskailer
717 Ľubomir Rapoš
718 Magdaléna Robinsonová
719 Alexander Sterlinger
720 Juraj Šajmovič
721 Anton Štubňa
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
722 Leon Dolinšek
723 Grupa OHO
724 Karlo Kocjančič
725 Peter Kocjančič
726 Jože Kološa-Kološ
727 Mario Maganja (Magajna)
728 Janez Marenčič
729 Janez Milčinski
730 David Nez
731 Miran Pavlin
732 Jože Petek
733 Marjan Pfeifer
734 Jakob Prešeren
735 Vladimir Simončič Vlastja
736 Stavko Smolej
737 Edi Šelhaus
738 Čoro Škodlar
739 Danilo Škofič
740 Joco Žnidaršič
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
741 Francesc Català-Roca
742 Joan Colom
743 Gabriel Cualladó
744 Eugeni Forcano
745 Francisco Gómez
746 Joaquim Gomis
747 Juan Ismael
748 Ramón Masats
749 Oriol Maspons
750 Xavier Miserachs
751 Nicolás Müller
752 Ton Sirera
753 Carlos Pérez Siquier
754 Ricard Terré
755 Eduardo Westerdahl
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
756 Sten Didrik Bellander
757 Astrid Bergman-Sucksdorff
758 Beata Bergström
759 Kerstin Bernhard
760 Ellen Dahlberg
761 Per Forsell
762 Sven Gillsäter
763 K W Gullers
764 Hans Hammarskiöld
765 Agnes Hansson
766 Victor Hasselblad
767 Rune Hassner
768 Walter Hirsch
769 Sune Jonsson
770 Stig T Karlsson
771 Kary Lasch
772 Svante Lundgren
773 Hans Malmberg
774 Bengt Malmqvist
775 Elliord Mattsson
776 Lennart Nilsson
777 Päl-Nils Nilsson
778 Georg Oddner
779 Lennart Olson
780 Anders Petersen
781 Anna Riwkin-Brick
782 Gunnar Smoliansky
783 Christer Strömholm
784 Rolf Winquist
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
785 Werner Bischof
786 Kurt Blum
787 Henry Brandt
788 Emil Brunner
789 Ernst Brunner
790 Balthasar Burkhard
791 René Burri
792 Luc Chessex
793 Yvan Dalain
794 Hermann Eidenbenz
795 Willi Eidenbenz
796 Gertrude Fehr
797 Hans Finsler
798 Fischli/Weiss
799 Robert Frank
800 Theo Frey
801 Georg Gerster
802 Philipp Giegel
803 Martin Glaus
804 Rob Gnant
805 Henriette Grindat
806 René Groebli
807 Peter Werner Häberlin
808 Ernst A. Heiniger
809 Rpger Humbert
810 Monique Jacot
811 Hans Peter Klauser
812 Peter Knapp
813 Walter Läubli
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
814 Rudolf Lichtsteiner
815 Urs Lüthi
816 René Mächler
817 Fred Mayer
818 Jean Mohr
819 Bernhard Moosbrugger
820 Arnold Odermatt
821 Markus Raetz
822 Fernand Rausser
823 Ernst Scheidegger
824 Rolf Schroeter
825 Gotthard Schuh
826 Emil Schulthess
827 Paul Senn
828 Willy Spiller
829 Christian Staub
830 Hans Staub
831 Jacques Thévoz
832 Jakob Tuggener
833 Christian Vogt
834 Kartheinz Weinberger
835 Andreas Wolfensberger
836 Michael Wolgensinger
The History of European Photography, 1939-1969の掲載写真家リスト
837 Mikhail Bolotov
838 Daniil Demutsky
839 German Dryukov
840 Diya Gai
841 Vladimir Grigorov
842 Boris Kasarev
843 Oleg Malevanny
844 Boris Mikhailov
845 Stepan Ozhga
846 Evgeny Pavlov
847 Olexandr Pezhansky
848 Yury Rupin
849 Arkady Shaikhet
850 Boris Sheinin
851 Aleksandr Suprun
852 Gennady Tubalev
853 Vasil Yermilov
854 Vladimir Yudin
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938, Volume I
The History of Albanian Photography
The History of Austrian Photography
The History of Belarusian Photography
The History of Belgian Photography
The History of British Photography
The History of Bulgarian Photography
The History of Croatian Photography
The History of Czech Photography
The History of Danish Photography
The History of Dutch Photography
The History of Estonian Photography
The History of Finnish Photography
The History of French Photography
The History of German Photography
The History of Greek Photography
The History of Hungarian Photography
The History of Icelandic Photography
The History of Irish Photography
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938, Volume II
The History of Italian Photography
The History of Latvian Photography
The History of Lithuanian Photography
The History of Moldovan Photography
The History of Norwegian Photography
The History of Polish Photography
The History of Portuguese Photography
The History of Romanian Photography
The History of Russian Photography
The History of Serbian Photography
The History of Slovak Photography
The History of Slovene Photography
The History of Spanish Photography
The History of Swedish Photography
The History of Swiss Photography
The History of Ukrainian Photography
☆ 日本人の婚姻数と出生数を増やしましょう。そのためには、☆
@ 公的年金と生活保護を段階的に廃止して、満18歳以上の日本人に、
A 人工子宮は、既に完成しています。独身でも自分の赤ちゃんが欲しい方々へ。
http://www.historyofphotography.eu/index.php/volume-iii The History of European Photography, volume 3
Released in 2016, covers years 1969 - 1970.
>>126 そのページには、そう書いてあるけれど、
covers years 1970 - 2000
List of Authors (Vol. III)
Authors Biography:
(in alpahebtical order by countries)
Zef Paci (b. 1963) is a professor of History of Art and Photography in the University of Fine Arts in Tirana.
He graduated in Monumental Painting from High Institute of Arts in Tirana and has obtained MA from Center of Albanological Studies, Tirana at the Institute of Studies of Anthropology and Art.
He has experience as curator of different solo exhibitions of some known Albanian artists and some international and national artistic events.
In 2016 he was the curator of the permanent exhibition of Marubi National Museum of Photography.
Author of catalogues and publications on art, image and most on photography: Monography: Marubi, photography as ritual, (2012); MARUBI: The moving lens of an archive, Publication of National Galery of Kosovo (2014).
He is a professor of History of Art and Photography in the University of Fine Arts in Tirana.
Walter Moser (b. 1979) is an art historian specialized in photography.
He studied in Vienna and Rome.
His doctoral thesis was on Film-Stills by Warren Lynch for Erich von Stroheim's Greed.
Before 2008, he worked for the Wien Museum.
From 2008 to 2011, he was academic assistant in the photography collection of the Austrian Film Museum.
Since 2011 he is head of the photographic collection of the Albertina in Vienna.
He is curator of exhibitions and author of publications dealing with the history of photography.
His exhibition projects include "The Body as Protest" (2012), "Lewis Baltz" (2013), Blow-Up – Antonioni's film classic and photography" (2014),
"Lee Miller" (2015), "Provoke" (2016, in cooperation with Fotomuseum Winterthur, Le Bal, Paris and the Art Institute of Chicago), and currently "Film-Stills - Photography between Art, Advertising, and Cinema" (2016).
Inn Reut (b. 1960) is an art historian, critic, curator, journalist, norn in Minsk, living in Warsaw (Poland).
She did the PhD Programme in Theory and History of Art (2005) at the Belarusian Academy of Arts (Minsk), University of Manchester (UK); Master of Arts in Cultural Management at the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences;
Graduate School for Social Research of Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw) - PhD Programme in Sociology.
She has worked in Minsk, among other things, as Deputy Head of Exhibitions Department at the State Museum for Modern Art, Art Director for A.B. Contemporary Art Gallery at the Theatre Volnaya scena (Freedom Stage), Zhilbel Art Center, Gallery Vilnius.
Between 2007 and 2011, she was teacher at the University of Warsaw.
Author of a number scientific publications and texts in art catalogs.
Publications, among other, in the European Photographer Guide.
Among recent publications, Creative Photography in Belarus, Minsk, Artiya-Grupp, 2014; The Minsk School of Photography, St. Petersburg, ROSPHOTO, 2014;
"The Minsk School" or "New Wave"? Belarusian Photography of the 1980s and 90s, Minsk, pARTisan Collection, 2013; My Pick 2003-13, Tenth Anniversary of CEI Venice Forum for Contemporary Art Curators, Trieste Contemporanea, 2013.
Georges Vercheval (b.1934) is the founder and past-director of the Musée de la Photographie at Charleroi.
He has been teaching photography and History of Photography since 1962 in different schools, including ENSAAV La Cambre, Brussels.
As a photographer, exhibited creative work, mainly from the '60s until the '80s.
Tsvetan Tomchev (b. 1960) is a photojournalist with a 35-year-long active carreer.
He teaches Photojournalism at New Bulgarian Univeristy and at Art College in Sofia.
The book series "The Big Reportage Photographers of Bulgaria" (2010, 2012) is the result of Tsvetan's researches on the history of photojournalism in Bulgaria of many years.
Documentary filmmaking also falls in his field of interest, being co-author of 6 films.
His foundation "BG Press Photo" organizes the annual homonymous pressphoto contest and exhibition of Bulgarian photojournalism since 2002.
Tsvetan Tomchev is the photo editor at Trud national newspaper and director of Sofia Photo Fest.
Iva Prosoli (b. 1980) is the Senior Curator, Head of Collection of Zagreb photojournalists, Zagreb City Museum.
Since 2010/11 she is a Lecturer at the Academy of Dramatic Arts, Zagreb (Course: Photography and art practices since 1960).
In 2014 she started her PhD on Department of Art History, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Zagreb, Croatia. Prosoli curated many exhibitons of mainly Croatian photography at home and abroad.
She publishes texts on photography.
Vladimír Birgus (b.1954) is the of the Institut of Creative Photography of Silesian University in Opava since 1990.
During the year os 1978 – 2005 he was teaching at the Department of photography at FAMU in Prague.
He is a photographer and the curator and co-curator of many large exposures on Czech photography world-wide.
He is also author and co-writer of many books on Czech photography.
Jan Mlčoch (b.1953) has been the artistic head of photography gallery of Josef Sudek since 1995.
As an active artist he cooperated with the group of Czech conceptual artists: Karel Miler, Petr Štembera and Jiří Kovanda during 1974 – 1980.
He was involved in the process of collection funds preservation.
He organized many photography exhibitions in the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, where he works, as well as in museums and galleries in Czech Republic and abroad.
Jens Friis (b. 1960) holds an MA in Art History with focus on photographic art.
From 2003-2016, he was curator of the photographic collection at Museet for Fotokunst in Odense as well as the artistic co-director of the Danish photo festival FotoTriennale.dk initiated by the same museum.
During this period he also served as editor-in-chief of the magazine KATALOG – Journal of Photography & Video supported and published by the museum.
Now in its 27th successful year, KATALOG is independent with Jens Friis as publisher.
Furthermore, since 2016, Friis works as a freelance curator, reviewer, lecturer and author.
He has written numerous articles for the magazine KATALOG and has contributed to the encyclopaedia Dansk Fotografi Historie (Danish Photographic History) published in 2004.
Previously, he has been an active member of the committee of Gallery Image in Aarhus and for a number of years he worked for a commercial gallery, Hamiltons, in London selling photographic art.
Jens Friis is a member of AICA International, ICOM and Oracle and serves on several international award committees as well as the advisory board of the Spanish magazine EXIT.
Karin Bareman (b. 1982) is exhibitions and projects organiser at Autograph ABP as well as an independent writer, moderator and curator in photography based in London.
Her articles have appeared in Camera Austria Magazine, Foam Magazine, Unseen Magazine, Of the Afternoon Magazine, EXTRA Magazine and have been published on American Suburb X, Photoworks, and Potaatoo.
She previously worked as assistant curator at Foam, the photography museum in Amsterdam.
In 2016 she was awarded the Transfer North Fellowship for a residency at the Photographic Centre, Oulu Finland, and in 2015 the Milton Rogovin
Research Fellowship from the Center for Creative Photography in Tucson, Arizona for her forthcoming research into the photographic representation of Appalachia.
She obtained an MA in Cultural Anthropology from the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam and a subsequent MA in Visual Anthropology from the University of Manchester.
Peeter Linnap (b. 1960) is a theorist and historian of visual culture and photography.
Full time professor and photography department leader of Tartu Art College, Estonia.
As a researcher his articles have been published by Springer, Intellect ao academic publishers.
As an artist his work has been shown in Europe, U.S and Latin America.
Linnap is a member of IAVS/AISV, AICA, FIPRESCI, Estonian Semiotic Society ao organizations.
As a curator he has produced Saaremaa Biennials (1992, 1995 and 1997) and touring shows of contemporary Baltic photography „Borderlands" 1993 (UK), „Out of the Shadow" 1998 USA.
Elina Heikka (b. 1959) is Museum Director at The Finnish Museum of Photography in Helsinki .
She was editor and editor-in-chief in Valokuva – Finnish Photography magazine from 1994 to1998.
After that she worked as a researcher at the Finnish Museum of Photography and as a special researcher at the National Gallery / Central Art Archives from 2001 to 2007.
She has published widely on contemporary photography, history of Finnish photography and visual culture.
Anna-Kaisa Rastenberger, PhD, (b. 1971) is a Professor of Exhibition Studies and Spatiality at the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of the Arts Helsinki.
2009–2016 she has worked as the Chief Curator at The Finnish Museum of Photography.
Rastenberger is an artistic director and co-founder of 'The Festival of Political Photography'. Previously she was engaged as a researcher in the Academy of Finland's project (2005–2009).
She worked as an educational curator at The Helsinki Art Museum (2002–2005) and the editor-in-chief of KUVA – the magazine of visual culture (1998–2000).
Her special interests are new forms of photography as contemporary art, exhibition as critical practice, art and society, feminism and digital environments.
Pierre-Jean Amar (b. 1947) is a Frrench photographer.
He committed his first 15 years of his work to landscapes, still life and interios and later he started making portraits and female nudes, publishing a book in
1990 entitled "Nudes". Parallel to his career as a photographer, for the past 18 years, he has taught the History of Photography at the University of Provence.
He has edited numerous books on the subject and also organised training courses, workshops and conferences in the art of photography.
At the moment he is working on a book of memories about Les Rencontres d'Arles since 1974 to 1990.
Since 1965, he has presented his work at over 150 exhibitions in France and abroad.
T. O. Immisch (b. 1953) has run the collection of photographs at the Kunstmuseum Moritzburg in Halle (Saale) since 1987.
He studied psychology and art history in Berlin and Halle.
He has written and edited publications on New Vision photography, GDR photography and contemporary international photo art.
Boris von Brauchitsch (b. 1963) is a photographer, art historian and curator.
He is the author of biographies (Leonardo, Michelangelo, Caravaggio, Lesser Ury, Gabriele Münter), fiction (Alles wahr, Im tiefen Tal der Todeskralle,
documentale) and essays on photography (9, I don't like white, Kleine Geschichte der Fotografie).
Colin Pantall (b. 1963) is a writer, lecturer and photographer based in Bath, England.
His photographic work focusses on his immediate domestic environment.
He writes for a range of publications and organisations including Photo-Eye, The British Journal of Photography, Foam, and Magnum Photos, and writes for his blog, Colin Pantall's Blog.
He is also on the editorial and artistic committees of Photobook Bristol and Gazebook Sicily Festivals.
Pantall currently works as a Senior Lecturer on the Documentary Photography Course at the University of South Wales in Cardiff.
Costis Antoniadis (b. 1949) studied Physics and subsequently photography at the Institut Francais de la Photographie in Paris.
He is a founding member of the Photography Centre of Athens and in 1985 was appointed Professor at the Department of Photography at TEI Athens.
For many years, he has been working as curator and organizer of numerous exhibitions.
In 2003 he was appointed as Director of the Museum of Photography at Thessalonica.
He also exhibits in Greece and abroad, and many of his works feature in individual and national collections.
Gabriella Csizek after completing her studies in art theory and cultural anthropology, started working for the Hungarian Museum of Photography.
Currently she is the curator of the Hungarian House of Photography.
Her main field of interest is contemporary photography and the connecting interdisciplinary areas.
Csizek participates in the selection and editing of photographic material for exhibitions and books, and her name is closely associated with the "Folyamatos Jelen" ("Continuous Present") exhibition and catalogue series.
Kata Balázs (b. 1981) graduated in Art History and Hungarian Literature and Linguistics at Eötvös Lorand University, Budapest.
She studied and conducted various research projects in Poland, the United Kingdom and Italy.
Her main interest is Modern and Contemporary Art as well as Photography.
Currently she is working on her PhD.
Æsa Sigurjónsdóttir (b. 1959) is an Associate Professor in art theory and visual culture at the University of Iceland and a curator based in Paris and Reykjavik.
She has organized and participated in numerous national and international curatorial projects with Icelandic and European institutions.
Her most recent publications comprise of a number of solo articles and co-authored books and chapters, including "New Maps for Networks: Reykjavik FLUXUS– A Case of Connections.
" In Martha Langford (eds.) Narratives Unfolding: National Art Histories in an Unfinished World. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press (2016); "Outsides and insides of the exhibition Trout Fishing in America and Other stories.
" In Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson, You Must Carry Me Now- The Cultural Lives of Endangered Species. Phoenix: Arizona State University Art Museum (2015).
Justin Carville (b. 1970) is Lecturer in Historical & Theoretical Studies in Photography and is Chair of the Photography Programme at the Institute of Art, Design & Technology, Dun Laoghaire.
He is a former Government of Ireland Research Fellow in the Humanities and Social Sciences and is the author of Photography & Ireland (Reaktion: 2011)
and Visualizing Dublin: Visual Culture, Modernity and the Representation of Urban Space (Peter Lang, 2013).
Gigliola Foschi (b. 1951) lives and works in Milan (Italy).
She is an art critic and historian of photography.
For 15 years she has written for the cultural pages of the daily "L'Unità" and she has collaborated with various magazines
such as "Camera Austria","Photo Italia", "Zoom", "Abitare", "Gente di Fotografia".
She is teacher of History of Photography at the Istituto Italiano di Fotografia in Milan and member of the MIA (Milan Image Art Fair) advisory committee.
As an indipendent curator she has organized several exhibitions and she has collaborated for the Modern Art Gallery Collection Lercaro (Bologna);
the Gallery San Fedele (Milano); the European Photographic Festival (Reggio Emilia).
She has also written texts for several catalogue and books.
Her latest book is: Fotografie del silenzio. Forme inquiete del vedere (Pictures of Silence. Restless ways of seeing), Mimesis, Milano, 2015.
Alise Tifentale (b. ) is art and photography historian and PhD candidate in art history at the Graduate Center, City University of New York.
Tifentale is the author of Photography as Art in Latvia, 1960-1969 (2011) and co-curator of the Pavilion of Latvia at the 55th Venice Art Biennale (2013).
She is the founder and editor-in-chief of photography magazine Foto Kvartals (2006-2010).
Her articles have appeared in journals such as Networking Knowledge, CAA.Reviews, Art Margins, Russian Art & Culture, and others.
Tifentale is a co-author of research projects about photography in social media such as Selfiecity (2014) and The Exceptional and the Everyday: 144 hours in Kyiv (2014).
Agnė Narušytė (b.1970), is an art critic and historian of photography, Head of the Art History and Theory Department at the Vilnius Academy of Arts, curator and researcher of contemporary photography.
Margarita Matulytė (b.1961) is a historian of photography and expert, Curator and Researcher of the Historical Photography Collection at the Lithuanian Art Museum,
Lecturer of Visual Journalism at The Institute of Journalism of Vilnius University.
Paul di Felice (b. 1953) lives and works in Luxembourg.
Doctor of Visual Arts, Paul di Felice is Senior Lecturer in Art History and Art Pedagogy and Deputy Head of the Institute of Romance Studies, Media and Arts at the University of Luxembourg.
His field of research is re-presentation and de-construction in contemporary photography.
He also works as an art critic and as an independent curator of international contemporary photography exhibitions.
He is an active member of AICA and co-organizes the European Month of Photography in Luxembourg.
Since 1984, he is co-editor and co-publisher of Café-Crème edition, an international art and photography magazine and edition.
He has been frequently invited as a curator to international photography meetings and as a jury member for exhibitions and contemporary art biennials.
Since 2016, he is Vice-President of the Administration Board of Mudam (Museum of Modern Art Luxembourg).
Françoise Poos (b. 1964) holds a Ph.D. in Visual Culture from De Montfort University, Leicester (UK).
Her particular focus is on photography, archives and museums, memory and identity.
She is a reseacrh associate at the University of Luxembourg and currently investigates the role of photography in promoting the image of the steel industry
in Luxembourg and in shaping the country's identity in the framework of the research project Fabricating Modern Societies: Industries of Reform as Educational Responses to Societal Changes.
Tudor Stavila is the Director of the Study Center of Arts of Institute of Cultural Heritage of Academy of Sciences of Moldova.
He presented the art from Moldova in Kiev (1998), Bucharest (2002, 2005.2009, 2010, 2011), Cluj (2002, 2003), Alba Iulia (2002) Strasbourg (2001), Osnabrück (2005).
he is the author of published about 120 scientific publications in Chisinau, Moscow, Bucharest and Cluj, Strasbourg, Osnabruk and Sofia covered issues of history and theory of medieval and modern arts in Moldova and its interference with European arts.
Coordinates activities within the PhD ASM 7 doctoral thesis arguing in arts specialty - Visual Arts.
The author of 12 monographs on national arts and interference with regional and European art.
Christine Hansen (b. 1969) is a Norwegian photographer and art historian (PhD).
She is the author of numerous articles on photography's role in contemporary art, realism and documentary.
In addition to an active career as artist she has recently curated the exhibitions Crystals of Dust.
An Exhibition about dementia and Alzheimer at Gallery F15 (2015) and Slow Pictures.
Photography in Contemporary art at Lillehammer Art Museum (2016).
Hansen is artistic research leader and associate professor in photography at Bergen Academy of Art and Design.
Sigrid Lien (b. 1958) is professor in art history and photography studies at the University of Bergen, Norway.
Project leader for the Norwegian team in the HERA-project PhotoClec (Museums, Colonial past and Photography) 2010-2012, head of "Negotiating History: Photography in Sámi Culture»,
funded by the Norwegian Research Council (2014-2017).
Has published extensively on nineteenth century as well as modern and contemporary photography in a Norwegian context.
Adam Mazur Phd (b.1977) assistant professor at the Artistic University in Poznan.
In years 2002-2013 worked at the Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw and curated several exhibitions such as "New Documentary" (2006), "Red-Eye Effect" (2008), "Missing Documents.
Photographs of Polish Transformation After 1989" (2012) to list only major group shows.
Published books "Histories of Photography in Poland 1839-2009" (2010), "New Phenomena in Polish Photography after 2000" (2012), "Depth of Field. Essays on Polish Photography After 1945" (2014).
Emilia Tavares (b.1964) is a senior curator (photography and new media) at the National Museum of Contemporary Art- Museu do Chiado, Lisbon,
as well as a researcher and art critic. MA in Art History (Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at the University Nova of Lisbon.
She was published several studies about Portuguese photography and visual culture, and as curator have produced several exhibitions, including the Portuguese representation at Photo España Festival (2009 and 2010)
She publishes regularly in specialized newspapers, magazines and catalogues, and frequently gives lectures in cultural and educational institutions.
Ruxandra Balaci (b.1965) is an art critic and curator.
From 2002 to 2014 she is the founder Artistic Director of the Museum of Contemporay Art/MNAC in Bucharest. Former founder and Head Department
Contemporary Art at the National Museum of Art in Bucharest (1995-2000), co-director of Artelier magazine Bucharest(1998-2004) and co-founder and Director of GAD photogallery (1992-2002).
She contributes to international catalogues, curated more than 50 exhibitions and publication on visual culture.
She was the curator for "Bucharest nach 89" – Ludwig Forum Aachen, 1996; commissioner of the Romanian pavilion at the 49 Biennale di Venezia,
2001 and co-curator in In Den Schluchten des Balkans – 2003, Fridericianum, Kassel; Transit Project-NOW Here Europe - Fondazione Olivetti/51 Biennale di Venezia, 2005.
Currently writing books: "My subjective memories over arts and facts." and "Romanian contemporary Photography and the Visual Arts".
Evgeny Berezner (b.1951) is the Head of the PhotoVisa International Photo Festival in Krasnodar.
Since 2003 he has been Deputy Director in charge of Photographic and Multimedia Projects of Moscow Museum of Modern Art.
Since 2008 he has been Deputy Director General in charge of Photographic and Multimedia Projects of ROSIZO State Museum and Exhibition Centre of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.
Since 2011 he has been the Head of Project "In Support for Photography in Russia", IRIS Foundation, Moscow.
He has published in Russian and foreign magazines, photography album and books.
He has curated over 250 exhibitions of contemporary and classical Russian and foreign photography held in Russia and other countries and is one of
the three Russian curators of the main exhibition program of International Biennial of Photography FotoFest 2012 in Houston, Texas, USA.
Irina Сhmyreva (b.1974), PhD., is the head researcher in State Institute for Theory and History of Fine Arts of the Russian Academy of Arts in Moscow.
She is also co-founder and art-director of PhotoVisa, the International Festival of Photography in Krasnodar region (www.photovisa.ru).
She is very influenced writer on history of Russian photography, since 2007 she has a monthly column in FOTO&video magazine in Russia, she is an author of
the book of Essays on Russian photography of 20th century, she is also writer and photo-editor of such books as Assembling Reality.
Two Ways of Life by Rejlander, The Photographic History.
Photo heritage from Russian State Archive of Literature and Arts and many others.
As a curator she shown dozens of exhibitions of Russian photography, old and contemporary, at FotoFest in Houston, Month of Photography in Bratislava, in art institutions of Europe, Asia, Australia and both American continents.
She collaborates with Evgeny Berezner since 1999.
Ivan Manojlović (1978) is a curator and art historian.
He is working as a curator of technical and cinematography collection at the Museum of Yugoslav history in Belgrade since 2008.
He is author, co-author and project manager of numerous projects and exhibitions focusing on the topics of contemporary photography,
history, popular culture, culture of remembrance and reinterpretation of cultural heritage of socialist Yugoslavia: Design for a New World (2015),
Red kiosk K67 (2015), Dissonant Heritage (2014), Design Center Belgrade (2013), Technology to the People (2012), The Last Young Yugoslavs (2011), Tito photo (2010).
Ivan was also organizer and coordinator of all program activities in Museum of Yugoslav History in the period 2008-2013.
In 2009 and 2014 he was a member of team for development of Strategic plan of Museum of Yugoslav History.
Václav Macek (b. 1952) is a professor at the Film Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava.
He is the Head of FOTOFO Foundation and the Central European House of Photography and the Director of annual photography festival Month of Photography Bratislava.
He is the author and co-author of many books on photography and film.
Miha Colner (b. 1978) is an art historian who works as a curator, publicist, editor and lecturer specialised in photography, artists' moving image and other forms of media art.
He is a curator and program coordinator at Photon – Centre for Contemporary Photography (based in Ljubljana and Vienna).
Furthermore, since 2005 he has been part-time contributor for number of newspapers, magazines, radio programs, and specialist publications as well as a lecturer.
He lives and works in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Alejandro Castellote (b. 1959) From 1985 through 1996 he was director of the Photography Department at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid, where organized the Festival FOCO (1985-1989).
He has been artistic director and founder of PHotoEspaña in Madrid (1998-2000).
In 2003 he curated MAPAS ABIERTOS. Fotografía Latinoamericana 1991-2002; C on Cities at the Padiglione Italia in the X Venice
Biennale of Architecture, 2006; Festival Getxophoto, Bilbao (2007-2009) and guest curator for Latin America at the Biennale Photoquai (Museum Quai de Branly)
2007-2009, Paris; guest curator at Seoul Photo Fair 2010, South Korea andSingapore International Photography Festival (SIPF) 2012; director of the Daegu Photo Biennale 2014 in South Korea.
In 2015 he was chief curator -with Wang Qingsong and François Hebel- of the First ChangJiang International Photography & Video Biennale, Chongqing, China.
He is currently director of the Latin American Master of Photography and Visual Arts at the Centro de la Imagen of Lima, Peru.
Jan-Erik Lundström (b. 1958) is a curator, critic and historian of contemporary art.
He is the former director of Sami Center of Contemporary Art and of Norrbottens Museum.
From 1999 to 2010 he was the director of Bildmuseet.
He is the former chairman of Centre for Photography, Stockholm and former director of Fotografiska museet.
His latest curatorial projects include Top of the World, Fall Back Spring Forward, Surviving the Future,
The Map: Critical Cartographies, Politics of Place and Society Must Be Defended (1st Thessaloniki Biennial of Contemporary Art).
He was the chief curator of Berlin Photography Festival, 2005 and the artistic director of the 3rd Bucharest Biennale.
He is the author and editor of many books, including Thinking Photography – Using Photography, Nordic Landscapes, Tankar om fotografi,
Ursula Biemann: Mission Reports, Looking North: Representations of Sami in Visual Arts and Litterature, and Irving Penn: Photographs.
Lundström has contributed to major publications such as Horizons: Towards a Global Africa, The Oxford Companion to the Photograph
and The History of European Photography of the 20th Century.
Lundström has been a guest professor at, among others, Aalto University, Helsinki, Konstfackskolan and the Royal Art Academy, Stockholm,
Malmö Art Academy, HISK, Antwerpen/Gent, University of los Andes, Bogotá, and Oslo Art Academy, Oslo.
Urs Stahel (b. 1953) created with Fotomuseum Winterthur one of the most important places for photography in the world.
He has been managing the museum from 1993-2013.
Since 2013, he has been the curator for the platform Paris Photo (2014), the Mannheim-Ludwigshafen-Heidelberg Photo Festival (2015), and, on a regular base, for the new center for industrial culture MAST in Bologna.
He also works as an author and a lecturer (at the Zurich University of the Arts, the University of Zurich).
He is a writer and editor of numerous books, for example, books about Paul Graham, Roni Horn, Rineke Dijkstra, Anders Petersen, Amar Kanwar, Ai Weiwei, Shirana Shahbazi, Boris Mikhailov
as well as books on themes such as "Industriebild" ('Pictures of Industry'), "Trade", "The Ecstasy of Things" and "Darkside I + II".
Tatiana Pavlova (b.1955) is an art historian and freelance curator.
She is currently working at Art History chair in Kharkiv State Academy of Art and Design and has published several books and articles about Ukrainian photography.
List of Authors (Vol. II)
Authors Biography:
(in alpahebtical order by countries)
Zef Paci (b.1963) is Professor of Art History and Painting in the University of Arts, Tirana.
He graduated in Monumental Painting from High Institute of Arts in Tirana and has obtained MA from Center of Albanological Studies, Tirana at the Institute of Studies of Anthropology and Art.
He has experience as curator of different solo exhibitions of some known Albanian artists and some international and national artistic events.
Author of some catalogues and publications: Monography: “Marubi, photography as ritual”.
Ermir Hoxha (b. 1979) graduated in The Academy of Arts - Painting, Tirana in 2003
In 2007 l was graduated in University of Bologna, Literature and Philosophy Faculty - Dams - Arte Course (Disciplines of arts, music and of spectacles) History of Contemporary Art Branch.
Currently l am following the Ph.D. Studies, Cultural Heritage, Department of History, History-Philology Faculty; Thesis on the: “Albanian Art during the period 1945 – 1990”.
Ulrike Matzer (b.1972) is a writer, critic, and historian of photography.
From 2009 to 2012 she has conducted research on the Austrian photo-chemist and photo-historian Josef Maria Eder at the Albertina’s Photographic Collection (financed by the FWF Austrian Science Fund).
Together with project director Maren Gröning, she is the co-editor of Josef Maria Eder: Photographie als Wissenschaft. Positionen um 1900 (within the series photogramme, ed. by Bernd Stiegler, Munich: Fink 2013).
Nadezhda Savchenko (b.1966) is the head of the Written and Image Sources Department and curator of the photographic collection at the National Historical Museum of the Republic of Belarus in Minsk.
She has conducted in the field of the history of photography in Belarus.
Georges Vercheval (b.1934) is the founder and past-director of the Musée de la Photographie at Charleroi.
He has been teaching photography and History of Photography since 1962 in different schools, including ENSAAV La Cambre, Brussels.
As a photographer, exhibited creative work, mainly from the '60s until the '80s.
Katerina Gadjeva (b.1978) is an art historian and lecturer at the National Academy of Arts in Sofia, Bulgaria.
She specializes in the field of history and theory of photography.
She is tha author of several research publications as well as monography books.
Želimir Koščević (b.1939) is a freelance curator and expert in national and international contemporary art and photography.
He is a Member of AICA international, ICOM, CIMAM and IKT. Professional advisor of Foto Gallery Lang in Samobor.
Vladimír Birgus (b.1954) is the of the Institut of Creative Photography of Silesian University in Opava since 1990.
During the year os 1978 – 2005 he was teaching at the Department of photography at FAMU in Prague.
He is a photographer and the curator and co-curator of many large exposures on Czech photography world-wide.
He is also author and co-writer of many books on Czech photography.
Jan Mlčoch (b.1953) has been the artistic head of photography gallery of Josef Sudek since 1995.
As an active artist he cooperated with the group of Czech conceptual artists: Karel Miler, Petr Štembera and Jiří Kovanda during 1974 – 1980.
He was involved in the process of collection funds preservation.
He organized many photography exhibitions in the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, where he works, as well as in museums and galleries in Czech Republic and abroad.
Mette Mortensen (b.1971) is an assistant professor at the Department of Media, Recognition and Communication at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Her book Kampen om ansigtet. Fotografi og identifikation (Facial Politics. Photography and identification) is forthcoming (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2010).
She has also written numerous articles on photography, war and media, surveillance and contemporary art.
Louise Wolthers (b. 1974) is a Researcher in photographic art, history and theory at The Hasselblad Foundation, Gothenburg.
She has done research and curated exhibitions at institutions such as The National Museum of Photography and The National Gallery of Denmark.
She has co-edited numerous publications including Lost and Found: Queerying the Archive (Nikolaj Copenhagen Contemporary Art Center & Bildmuseet
Umeå University, 2009), Paul Graham: 1981 & 2011 (MACK, 2012) and Still Life / Work Life (Art & Theory, 2013).
She has contributed to academic journals and books on photography, art history and contemporary art.
Mirelle G. Thijsen (b.1960) lives and works in Amsterdam as independent researcher in the cultural history of photography, critic and curator. Founded in 1988 International Photography Re- search (IPhoR) in Amsterdam.
Curated various exhibitions. From 1993 till 2006 she was a critic for the Dutch daily paper Het Financieele Dagblad.
In 2005-2007 she was chair and assistant professor at the Master’s in Photographic Studies (MaPS) at the Leiden University.
In 2013 opened a Researcher in Residence (RiR) in the Southern Vosges in France.
Peeter Linnap (b. 1960) Ph.D, is a photographic theorist, historian, a full time professor and Department Leader at Tartu Art College, Estonia.
Peeter Linnap has held personal exhibitions in Europe, U.S and Latin America, and is a member of AICA, FIPRESCI, INSEA, Estonian Semiotic Society and Society for Art Historians.
He has been awarded nationally and internationally for both his artistic and theoretical activities.
Kimmo Lehtonen (b.1962) M.Phil., MA SocSc is a senior assistant in the International Masters programme on Digital Culture at the University of Jyväskylä.
He is a founding member of The Centre for Creative Photography and has been a director of the same association since 1994.
He has written and edited several books and articles on photography.
Marc Tamisier (b.1960) is in charge of Image Education at the National Center for Pedagogical Documentation.
Books published : Opinion, information, rumeur, propagande (dir. Marc Tamisier et Michel Costantini), Paris, L'Harmattan, 2010 ; Texte, art et photographie, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2009.
Klára Szarka (b. 1955) is a freelance curator, photohistorian and editor.
She was the head of the culture column of the daily newspaper Magyar Hírlap and has been a columnist of photographic periodicals.
She is a lecturer of art history and photo history at Camera Anima Art School and she is the President of the Hungarian Society for the History of Photography.
She researches the History of Hungarian Photography in the 20th century and published several monographies and books.
Æsa Sigurjónsdóttir (b.1959) is an assistant professor in art history and art theory at the Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies, University Iceland and
Dr. Kristján Eldjárn Research Fellow at National Museum Iceland.
She has curated a big number of exhibitions and contributed to several publications.
Dr. Justin Carville (b.1970) is a lecturer of Historical and Theoretical Studies in Photography at School of Creative Arts at the Institute of Art, Design & Technology, Dun Laoghaire.
Roberto Mutti (b.1947) lives and works in Milan, Italy.
Graduated in Philosophy.
For 25 years he has been writing as a critic of photography in the Milanese edition of the daily paper “ la Repubblica” and he has collaborated with
various magazines such as “Fotografare”, “Il Fotografo”, “Photo Italia”, “Foto Graphia”, “Immagini FOTO pratica.
He is member of the Scientific Committee of both MIA - Milan Image Art Fair and Fotofestival Milan.
Agnė Narušytė (b.1970), is an art critic and historian of photography, Head of the Art History and Theory Department at the Vilnius Academy of Arts, curator and researcher of contemporary photography.
Margarita Matulytė (b.1961) is a historian of photography and expert, Curator and Researcher of the Historical Photography Collection
at the Lithuanian Art Museum, Lecturer of Visual Journalism at The Institute of Journalism of Vilnius University.
Vilnis Auziņš (b.1948) is a lecturer of History of Aesthetics of Photography and the Chairman of the Board of Foundation “FotoForma”, 2010.
He was a head of Latvian Museum of Photography between 1990 and 2009.
Paul di Felice (b.1953) is Doctor of Visual Arts, Senior Lecturer in Art History and Art Pedagogy at the University of Luxembourg.
His field of research is representation and deconstruction in contemporary photography.
He has been a workshop leader of the annual Art Workshop organized by Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain in collaboration with University of Luxembourg, since 1998.
He is a founding member of the online magazine lacritique.org and an active member of AICA Luxembourg.
He is an independent curator of international contemporary photography exhibitions and he co-organizes the European Month of Photography in Luxembourg (www.emoplux.lu).
Since 1984 he is co-director of Café-Crème édition& médiation.
Françoise Poos is a curator and a researcher in the field of Visual Culture.
She was the research assistant for the exhibition The Bitter Years, opened by the Luxembourg Centre national de l’audiovisuel (CNA) in 2013, and the editor of the accompanying book:
The Bitter Years – The Farm Security Administration Photographs Through the Eyes of Edward Steichen, published by Thames and Hudson.
She is more generally interested in photographic archives and non-canonical photography.
She is currently working as research collaborator at the Université du Luxembourg for the project “Fabricating Modern Societies: Industries of Reform as Educational Responses to Societal Challenges (FAMOSO 2)”.
In the context of this nationally funded project, she investigates an archive of glass plate negatives from the steel industry in Luxembourg, and its changing meanings and uses over time.
Iurie Foca (b.1957) studied at Moldovan Technical University and graduated as engineer/electro-mechanic and later photography at Social-professions Department, section Photography of Moldovan Technical University.
Since 1974 he has been working as a photo-reporter for several magazines in Moldova.
Is a member of Photo Artist Union of Moldova and Fine Artist Union of Moldova.
Since 1996, has led photo lab at National Art Museum of Moldova.
Mihai Potârniche (b.) is Director of the Fotomoldpres TV Department, State Information Agency Moldpres.
Director of photography and author of photos for some 50 albums and books including the album Parliament of Independence (author of the concept and photos) published in 2010 on the occasion of 20 years
since the first Parliament democratically elected started to work.
Member of the Union of Artists, Union of Journalists and Union of Artists Photographers of Republic of Moldova.
651 ( I- ) Kata Kálmán Hungary
Peter Larsen (b. 1943) is Danish citizen.
Since 1988 professor at the Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen, Norway.
Head of «Photography in Culture», a national research project funded by the Norwegian Research Council (2003-07).
Larsen has published extensively on visual media and visual culture.
Selected publications: Album. Fotografiske motiver (Oslo, Spartacus, 2004); Ibsen og fotografene. 1800-tallets visuelle kultur (Oslo. Universitetsforlaget, 2013);
co-authored with Sigrid Lien: Norsk fotohistorie. Frå daguerreotypi til digitalisering (Oslo, Det norske Samlaget, 2007) and Kunsten å lese bilder (Oslo, Spartacus, 2008).
Krzysztof Jurecki (b. 1960) studied History of Art in Krakow (diploma work in 1985).
Between 1990 - 1993 studied on doctoral studies in Institute of Art in Warsaw.
From 1985 to 2005 worked in Muzeum Sztuki in Lodz, as Head Curator Department of Photography in Visual Arts.
He organized many exhibitions in Poland (e.g. Zofia Rydet, Jerzy Lewczyński, Joseph Beuys, Jan Saudek, Erwin Olaf).
He publishes in EXIT, Kwartalnik Fotografia.
He published with K. Makowski a book Słowo o fotografii / A note about Photography (2003).
He writes many texts about history of Polish avant-garde, from the photography of 20th century and from 1980s until now.
He is also interested in avant-garde art and post-modern theory.
Emilia Tavares (b.1964) is a senior curator (photography and new media) at the National Museum of Contemporary Art- Museu do Chiado, Lisbon,
as well as a researcher and art critic. MA in Art History (Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at the University Nova of Lisbon.
She was published several studies about Portuguese photography and visual culture, and as curator have produced several exhibitions, including the Portuguese representation at Photo España Festival (2009 and 2010)
She publishes regularly in specialized newspapers, magazines and catalogues, and frequently gives lectures in cultural and educational institutions.
Eugen Rădescu (b.1978) is politologist, cultural manager, curator and theoretician.
He wrote for various magazines and newspapers, curated, among others, Bucharest Biennale 1 with the theme “Identity Factories”, “How Innocent Is That?” ,
“presently i have nothing to show and i’m showing it!” and "Common Nostalgia" at Pavilion Bucharest.
He published the book “How Innocent Is That?” at Revolver Book Berlin.
He is co-editor of PAVILION – journal for politics and culture and co-director of Bucharest Biennale (with Răzvan Ion).
Irina Tchmyreva (b.1974) is the head researcher and Curator of the Photographic and Multi-media department.
She is aslo an editor of a web-server on photography Photographer.ru.
As a curator Ms. Tchmyreva is very influential in the art world.
Evgeny Berezner (b.1951) is the Head of Project “In Support For Photography in Russia”, IRIS Foundation, Moscow and the Head of the Photovisa International Photo Festival in Krasnodar.
Since 2003 he has been Deputy Director in charge of Photographic and Multimedia Projects of Moscow Museum of Modern Art.
Since 2008 he has been Deputy Director General in charge of Photographic and Multimedia Projects of ROSIZO State Museum and Exhibition Centre of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.
He has published in Russian and foreign magazines, photography album and books.
He has curated over 250 exhibitions of contemporary and classical Russian and foreign photography held in Russia and other countries and
is one of the three Russian curators of the main exhibition program of International Biennial of Photography FotoFest 2012 in Houston, Texas, USA.
Goran Mali (b. 1947) is a photographer, chronicler and historian of photography.
Writer of essays and prose articles. Born in Belgrade, Serbia, in 1947, July 23.
Majored in Sociology and History of Arts at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade.
Freelance artist from 1979.
His photographs were exhibited several times independently.
He is the author of a number of custodial projects describing periods and authors that belong to the history of photography in Serbia in XIX and XX century.
Václav Macek (b. 1952) is a professor at the Film Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava.
He is the Head of FOTOFO Foundation and the Central European House of Photography and the Director of annual photography festival Month of Photography Bratislava.
He is the author and co-author of many books on photography and film.
Primož Lampič (b. 1957), PhD, is an art historian and ethnologist.
He works as a museum councillor at the Museum of Architecture and Design in Ljubljana.
He is also an assistant professor at the Departement of Art History at the Faculty of Arts at the Universtity of Ljubljana.
He gives lectures and leads the seminars of history of photography and of modern art and art critique.
He published three monographs, several catalogues and scientific papers.
Juan Naranjo (b.1960) is a photo historian and independent curator.
He is a member of the advisory committee of the department of photography at the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya and director of the photography department Soler & Llach, Barcelona.
Jan-Erik Lundström (b.1958) is a curator, critic and historian of contemporary art and photography.
He is the director of the Sami Center of Contemporary Art, Norway and the chairman of the Center of Photography in Sweden.
Jan-Erik Lundström is a prolific lecturer at international symposia and has been a guest professor at many art academies.
His latest book is Knowing Photographs.
Peter Pfrunder (b.1959) worked as a freelance journalist, author, and exhibition curator, while directing the Forum der Schweizer Geschichte/Schweizerisches Landesmuseum, Schwyz (1995–98).
He has had a variety of publications and exhibitions on the history of photography with a special focus on Switzerland.
Since 1998 he has served as Director and Curator of the Fotostiftung Schweiz / Swiss Foundation for Photography, Winterthur.
Recent publications: Theo Frey, Fotografien (Limmat Verlag, Zürich 2008); Gotthard Schuh – A Kind of Infatuation (Steidl Publishers, Göttingen 2009);
Swiss Photobooks from 1927 to the Present – A Different History of Photography (Lars Muller Publishers, Baden 2011).
Tatiana Pavlova (b.1955) is an art historian and freelance curator.
She is currently working at Art History chair in Kharkiv State Academy of Art and Design and has published several books and articles about Ukrainian photography.
http://www.historyofphotography.eu/index.php/volume-ii/list-of-the-authors/13-list-of-autohrs-pt-ii List of Authors (Vol. I)
Albania: Rubens Shima, director, National Gallery of Art, Tirane
Austria: Anton Holzer, Fotogeschichte editor-in-chief, Vienna
Belarus: Nadya Savchenko, historian of photography, Minsk
Belgium: Georges Vercheval, founder and former director of Musée de la Photographie, Charleroi
Bulgaria: Katerina Gadjeva, Lecturer in History of Culture Department, New Bulgarian University, Sofia
Croatia: Želimir Koščević, freelance curator
Czech Republic: Vladimír Birgus, Institut of Creative Photography, Salesian University, Opava, Jan Mlčoch
Denmark: Mette Mortensen, Film and Media Studies Section, Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen, Louise Wolters, photo historian
Estonia: Peeter Linnap, art critic and theorist, TV director, curator and teacher, Professor and Head of Photography Department at TAC (Tartu Art College)
Finland: Kimmo Lehtonen, Lecturer in Digital Culture, Studies In Visual Communication, University of Jyväskylä
France: Marc Tamisier, photo historian
Germany: Dr. Ivo Kranzfelder (volume 1) lecturer of history and theory of photography, University for Applied Sciences in Würzburg, curator of private collection,
Great Britain: Gerry Badger, photo historian and critic
Greece: Nina Kassianou, curator and photography critic (Thessaloniki Museum of Photography, Photographic Centre of Skopelos)
Hungary: Béla Albertini (volume 1) Lecturer in art history and photographic reportage, Eötvös-Loránd-University (Budapest), University Kaposvár,
Iceland: Æsa Sigurjónsdóttir, Art Historian, Assistant Professor, University of Iceland. Dr. Kristján Eldjárn, Research Fellow, National Museum of Iceland.
Ireland: Dr. Justin Carville, PhD, MA, BA (Hons), Historical & Theoretical Studies in Photography, School of Creative Arts, Institute of Art, Design & Technology, Dublin
Italy: Gigliola Foschi, critic and photographic art historian,
Lithuania: Margarita Matulyté , Agne Narušyté research fellow at Napier University, Edinburgh, UK, supervises practice-based PhD students at the Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts
Latvia: Vilnis Auziņš, Latvian Museum of Photography, Riga
Moldova: Irina Grabovan, director of the Art Center AoRTa
The Netherlands: Tamara Bergmans, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Norway: Sigrid Lien phd, prof., University in Bergen,
Poland: Lech Lechowicz (volume 1), Film School, Lodz,
Portugal: Emilia Tavares, curator, the Chiado Museum,
Romania: Silvian Ionescu, freelance curator and art historian
Russia: Irina Tchmyreva, head researcher, Photographic Department of Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow
Serbia: Milanka Todic (volume 1) Faculty of Applied Arts and Design, Beograd,
Slovakia: Václav Macek, director, Central European House of Photography, Bratislava
Slovenia: Lara Štrumej (volume 1), senior curator at The Museum of Modern Art Ljubljana,
Spain: Juan Naranjo, freelance curator, Barcelona
Sweden: Jan-Erik Lundström, director, Bildmuseet, Ulmea
Switzerland: Martin Gasser (volume 1), curator Fotostiftung Schweiz,
Ukraine: Tetyana Pavlova, Kharkov, art critic, member of the International Association of Arts Critics (Certification 1263), Freelance curator
http://www.historyofphotography.eu/index.php/volume-i/list-of-the-authors 掲示板で話題のPCを使って稼げる方法とか
⇒ 『山中のムロロモノス』 というブログで見ることができるらしいです。
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938 & 1939-1969掲載写真家リスト(ABC順)
1 ( II- ) Ivar Aaserud Norway
2 ( I- ) Pere Casas Abarca Spain
3 ( II- ) Alexander Borisovich Abaza Russia
4 ( I- ) Berenice Abbott France
5 ( II- ) Yury Vasilievich Abramochkin Russia
6 ( I- ) Adèle (Atelier) Austria
7 ( II- ) Claire Ado Finland
8 ( I- ) Heikki Aho Finland
9 ( II- ) Heikki Aho Finland
10 ( I- ) José Manuel Aizpúrua Spain
11 ( II- ) Victor Vasilievich Akhlomov Russia
12 ( II- ) Grigori Akmolinski Estonia
13 ( II- ) Ulvis Alberts Latvia
14 ( I- ) Laure Albin-Guillot France
15 ( I- ) Vojtech Alexander Slavakia
16 ( I- ) Alexandre Belgium
17 ( II- ) Paul Almasy Luxembourg
18 ( I- ) Max Vladimirovich Alpert Russia
19 ( II- ) Max Vladimirovich Al'pert Russia
20 ( II- ) Oscar van Alphen The Netherlands
21 ( I- ) Domingos Alvão Portugal
22 ( II- ) Michail Ananin Belarus
23 ( I- ) Elsa Garmann Andersen Norway
24 ( I- ) Nikolai Platonovich Andreev Russia
25 ( I- ) Emmy Andriesse The Netherlands
26 ( II- ) Emmy Andriesse The Netherlands
27 ( I- ) Wilhelm Angerer Austria
28 ( II- ) Wilhelm Angerer Austria
29 ( I- ) James Craig Annan Britain
30 ( II- ) Roger Anthoine Belgium
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938 & 1939-1969掲載写真家リスト(ABC順)
31 ( I- ) Maurice Antony Belgium
32 ( II- ) Ilmārs Apkalns Latvia
33 ( I- ) Malcolm Arbuthnot Britain
34 ( I- ) Antoni Arissa Spain
35 ( II- ) Vasiliy Arkashov Belarus
36 ( I- ) Eduard Arning Germany
37 ( II- ) Ursula Arnold East-Germany
38 ( I- ) Halldór E. Arnórsson Iceland
39 ( II- ) Heino Arras Estonia
40 ( II- ) Pol Aschman Luxembourg
41 ( I- ) Jean Eugène Auguste Atget France
42 ( II- ) Christian Ludwig Attersee Austria
43 ( I- ) Peter Paul Atzwanger Austria
44 ( II- ) Peter Paul Atzwanger Austria
45 ( I- ) Wilhelm Auerlich Romania
46 ( I- ) Vytautas Augustinas Lithuania
47 ( II- ) Yves Auquier Belgium
48 ( II- ) Paul Ausloos Belgium
49 ( II- ) Maria Austria (Marie Karoline Oestricher) The Netherlands
50 ( II- ) Etienne Auwera Belgium
51 ( II- ) Ole Friele Backer Norway
52 ( II- ) Heimrad Bäcker Austria
53 ( I- ) Impi Backman Finland
54 ( I- ) Helmer Bäckström Sweden
55 ( II- ) David Bailey Great Britain
56 ( II- ) Kostas Balafas Greece
57 ( II- ) Pavel Bălan Moldova
58 ( II- ) Ymer Bali Albania
59 ( I- ) Pencho Balkanski Bulgaria
60 ( I- ) Theo Ballmer Switzerland
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938 & 1939-1969掲載写真家リスト(ABC順)
61 ( II- ) Leons Balodis Latvia
62 ( I- ) Rudolf Balogh Hungary
63 ( II- ) Dmitry Nikolaevich Bal'termants Russia
64 ( I- ) Jette Bang Denmark
65 ( I- ) Edith Barakovich Austria
66 ( I- ) Nándor Bárány Hungary
67 ( II- ) Hjálmar R. Bárðarson Iceland
68 ( II- ) Thomas Barker Ireland
69 ( I- ) Ivan Fedorovich Barshchevsky Russia
70 ( II- ) Géza Barta Serbia
71 ( II- ) John Batho France
72 ( I- ) Kārlis Bauls Latvia
73 ( II- ) Horst H. Baumann Germany
74 ( II- ) Max Baur Germany
75 ( I- ) Herbert Bayer Germany
76 ( I- ) Cecil Beaton Britain
77 ( II- ) Cecil Beaton Great Britain
78 ( I- ) Vladimir Becić Serbia
79 ( I- ) Władysław Bednarczuk Poland
80 ( II- ) Zdzislaw Beksiński Poland
81 ( II- ) Sten Didrik Bellander Sweden
82 ( I- ) Alexandru Bellu Romania
83 ( I- ) Arthur Benda Austria
84 ( II- ) Kors van Bennekom The Netherlands
85 ( I- ) Joshua Benoliel Portugal
86 ( I- ) Herman Bente Denmark
87 ( II- ) Zoltán Berekméri Hungary
88 ( II- ) Gianni Berengo Gardin Italy
89 ( I- ) Bengt Berg Sweden
90 ( II- ) Sibylle Bergemann East-Germany
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938 & 1939-1969掲載写真家リスト(ABC順)
91 ( I- ) Marianne Bergler Austria
92 ( II- ) Astrid Bergman-Sucksdorff Sweden
93 ( I- ) Herman Bergne Sweden
94 ( II- ) Beata Bergström Sweden
95 ( I- ) Ilya and Jankel Berman Belarus
96 ( I- ) Iosif Berman Romania
97 ( I- ) Mieczysław Berman Poland
98 ( II- ) Iosif Berman Romania
99 ( II- ) Kerstin Bernhard Sweden
100 ( II- ) Friedrich O. Bernstein East-Germany
101 ( II- ) Ian Berry Great Britain
102 ( I- ) Henri Berssenbrugge The Netherlands
103 ( I- ) Avgust Berthold Slovenia
104 ( II- ) Robert Besard Belgium
105 ( I- ) Eva Besnyö The Netherlands
106 ( II- ) Eva Besnyö The Netherlands
107 ( II- ) Ladislav Bielik Slovakia
108 ( I- ) Francis Joseph Bigger Ireland
109 ( I- ) Pavle Bihali Serbia
110 ( I- ) Binia Bill Switzerland
111 ( II- ) Gunārs Binde Latvia
112 ( II- ) Werner Bischof Switzerland
113 ( I- ) Carel Blazer The Netherlands
114 ( II- ) Carel Blazer The Netherlands
115 ( I- ) Thomas Blehr Norway
116 ( II- ) Arno Rafael Blomstedt Finland
117 ( I- ) Irena Blühová Slavakia
118 ( II- ) Kurt Blum Switzerland
119 ( I- ) Erwin Blumenfeld The Netherlands
120 ( I- ) Anton Bock Austria
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938 & 1939-1969掲載写真家リスト(ABC順)
121 ( I- ) Hans Bock Austria
122 ( I- ) Adriaan Boer The Netherlands
123 ( II- ) Vladimir Vladimirovich Bogdanov Russia
124 ( II- ) Dorothy Bohm Great Britain
125 ( I- ) Jacques-André Boiffard France
126 ( I- ) Frédéric Boissonnas Switzerland
127 ( II- ) Sándor Bojár Hungary
128 ( II- ) Pavle Bojčević Serbia
129 ( II- ) Stanoje Bojović Serbia
130 ( II- ) Anatoly Konstantinovich Boldin Russia
131 ( I- ) Achille Bologna Italy
132 ( I- ) Mikhail Bolotov Ukraine
133 ( II- ) Mikhail Bolotov Ukraine
134 ( II- ) Christian Borchert East-Germany
135 ( I- ) Vikenci Boretti Belarus
136 ( II- ) Kim Borg Finland
137 ( II- ) Ladislav Borodáč Slovakia
138 ( II- ) Alexander L'vovich Borodulin Russia
139 ( II- ) Lev Abramovich Borodulin Russia
140 ( I- ) Jozef Emiel Borrenbergen Belgium
141 ( II- ) Sverre A. Borretzen Norway
142 ( II- ) Tibor Borský Slovakia
143 ( II- ) Josip Bosnar Serbia
144 ( I- ) Walter Bosshard Switzerland
145 ( II- ) Edouard Boubat France
146 ( II- ) Jimmy Bourgeois Belgium
147 ( II- ) Fergus Bourke Ireland
148 ( II- ) Petar Bozhkov Bulgaria
149 ( II- ) Bert Bracke Belgium
150 ( I- ) Anton Giulio Bragaglia Italy
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938 & 1939-1969掲載写真家リスト(ABC順)
151 ( II- ) Per Braland Norway
152 ( I- ) Constantin Brancusi Romania
153 ( II- ) Martti Brand Finland
154 ( I- ) Signe Viola Brander Finland
155 ( I- ) Stefanie Brandl Austria
156 ( I- ) Bill Brandt Britain
157 ( II- ) Bill (Hermann Wilhelm) Brandt Great Britain
158 ( II- ) Henry Brandt Switzerland
159 ( I- ) Brassaï Romania
160 ( II- ) Brassaï (Gyula Halasz) France
161 ( I- ) Brassaï (Gyula Halász) France
162 ( II- ) Uldis Brauns Latvia
163 ( II- ) Marija Braut Croatia
164 ( II- ) Otto Breicha Austria
165 ( I- ) George Hendrik Breitner The Netherlands
166 ( II- ) Caj Bremer Finland
167 ( I- ) Albert Breyer Belgium
168 ( II- ) Gyula Brezsán Serbia
169 ( I- ) Stefano Bricarelli Italy
170 ( I- ) Bogumil Brinšek Slovenia
171 ( II- ) Ante Brkan Croatia
172 ( II- ) Zvonimir Brkan Croatia
173 ( I- ) Christina Broom Britain
174 ( I- ) Francis Patrick mary Browne Ireland
175 ( I- ) Hanns Brückner Finland
176 ( II- ) Emil Brunner Switzerland
177 ( II- ) Ernst Brunner Switzerland
178 ( II- ) Günter Brus Austria
179 ( II- ) Wojciech Bruszewski Poland
180 ( I- ) Pétur Brynjólfsson Iceland
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938 & 1939-1969掲載写真家リスト(ABC順)
181 ( I- ) Janusz Maria Brzeski Poland
182 ( I- ) Mārtiņš Buclers Latvia
183 ( I- ) Jan Bulhak Lithuania
184 ( I- ) Jan Bułhak Poland
185 ( I- ) Karl Karlovich Bulla Russia
186 ( I- ) Viktor Karlovich Bulla Russia
187 ( I- ) Balys Buračas Lithuania
188 ( I- ) Vani Burda Albania
189 ( II- ) Balthasar Burkhard Switzerland
190 ( II- ) René Burri Switzerland
191 ( II- ) Vitalijus Butyrinas Russia
192 ( I- ) Ferdinand Buyle Belgium
193 ( I- ) Nicolae Buzdugan Romania
194 ( II- ) Augusto Cabrita Portugal
195 ( I- ) Claude Cahun France
196 ( I- ) Henrik Cajander Finland
197 ( II- ) Pavao Cajzek Croatia
198 ( II- ) Alfredo Camisa Italy
199 ( I- ) Antonio Cánovas Spain
200 ( I- ) Robert Capa France
201 ( II- ) Robert Capa (Endré Ernö Friedmann) France
202 ( II- ) Boris Capnin Moldova
203 ( I- ) Gheorghe Capşa Romania
204 ( I- ) Ghitta Carell Italy
205 ( II- ) Christian Carez Belgium
206 ( II- ) Gilles Caron France
207 ( I- ) Vincenzo Carrese Italy
208 ( II- ) Henri Cartier-Bresson France
209 ( I- ) Gabriel Casas Spain
210 ( I- ) Joseph Cashman Ireland
The History of European Photography, 1900-1938 & 1939-1969掲載写真家リスト(ABC順)
211 ( II- ) Joseph Cashman Ireland
212 ( I- ) Winnifred Casson Britain
213 ( I- ) Mario Castagneri Italy
214 ( II- ) Gérard Castello-Lopes Portugal
215 ( II- ) Adelino Lyon de Castro Portugal
216 ( II- ) Francesc Català-Roca Spain
217 ( II- ) Giuseppe Cavalli Italy
218 ( I- ) Avgust Černiogoj Slovenia
219 ( II- ) Jean-Philippe Charbonnier France
220 ( II- ) Chargesheimer (Karl-Heinz Hargesheimer) Germany
221 ( I- ) Emile Chavepeyer Belgium
222 ( II- ) Luc Chessex Switzerland
223 ( I- ) Adolph Chevallier Romania
224 ( II- ) Alphonse Chevallier Romania
225 ( II- ) Ion Chibzi Moldova
226 ( II- ) Chim (born as David Szymin/known as David Seymour in the US) France
227 ( II- ) Lucca Chmel Austria
228 ( II- ) Václav Chochola Czech Republic
229 ( II- ) Tage Christensen Denmark
230 ( II- ) Bertel Christensen Norway
231 ( I- ) Maria Chroussachi Greece
232 ( II- ) Ján Cifra Slovakia
233 ( II- ) Bogoljub Cikota Serbia
234 ( II- ) Elio Ciol Italy
235 ( I- ) Tadeus Cios Romania
236 ( I- ) Paul Citroen The Netherlands
237 ( II- ) Hermann Claasen Germany
238 ( I- ) Evrard-Guillaume Claine Belgium
239 ( I- ) John Joseph Clark Ireland
240 ( I- ) Pieter Jr. Clausing The Netherlands
グーグルで検索するといいかも『ネットで稼ぐ方法 モニアレフヌノ』
The History of European Photography
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