International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
PART I Article 1 2. This Convention shall not apply to distinctions, exclusions, restrictions or preferences made by a State Party to this Convention between citizens and non-citizens.
《歴代の戦争》 勝ち 負け 唐 vs 日本+百済 (白村江の戦い) イスラム帝国 vs 唐 +高句麗人の総大将 (タラス河畔の戦い) 日本 vs 元 +高麗 (元寇) 明 vs 日本+朝鮮 (文禄の役) 日本 vs 明 +朝鮮 (慶長の役) 清 vs 明 +朝鮮 (明滅亡) 日本 vs 清 +朝鮮 (日清戦争) 日本 vs 露 +朝鮮 (日露戦争) ソ連 vs 日本+朝鮮 (シベリア出兵) 米英仏蘭支ソ+伊 vs 日本+台湾+朝鮮+独+伊 (第2次世界大戦) 北ベトナム vs フランス (ベトナム戦争)《第1ラウンド》 北ベトナム vs 南ベトナム+アメリカ+韓国 (ベトナム戦争)《第2ラウンド》 日本+台湾. vs フランス+韓国 (高速鉄道)
Kwon Hyi-ro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 2 The Kin Kiro Incident 金嬉老事件 he then broke into a hotel and, armed with dynamite and a rifle, took as hostages 18 people who were either hotel guests or family of the hotel owner.....The 1992 South Korean film Kim's War, portrayed him as a hero..... 彼はその後、ダイナマイトとライフルで武装し、ホテルに押し入り、ホテルの経営者や宿泊客の家族であった18人を人質として取った。.....1992年の韓国映画「キムの戦争」は彼を英雄のように描写した。.... 日本政府は韓国人暗殺者の安重根記念館に抗議 BBC News - Japan protest over Korean assassin Ahn Jung-geun memorial 世の中を生暖かく見守るブログ : Korean reactions for Virginia Tech Massacre part3 2007年05月01日09:25 30年後になったら、もしかすると安重根義士と同級の評価を受けるかも In 30 years, Cho will be seen same as Ahn, Jung-gun(Korean national hero)
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
PART I Article 1 2. This Convention shall not apply to distinctions, exclusions, restrictions or preferences made by a State Party to this Convention between citizens and non-citizens.
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
PART I Article 1 2. This Convention shall not apply to distinctions, exclusions, restrictions or preferences made by a State Party to this Convention between citizens and non-citizens.
国連人権規約委員会(2014/07/24)「最終見解」:日本はヘイトスピーチの人種優越主義国家。慰安婦本人が望まない行為をやらされたらとにかく日本国の責任。日韓基本条約による解決済み(時効)はコリアンへの現在進行形の人権侵害。 ↓ Treaty bodies Download Human Rights Committee Concluding observations on the sixth periodic report of Japan ■Hate speech and racial discrimination 12....The State should prohibit all propaganda advocating racial superiority... ■ヘイトスピーチと人種差別 12....国が人種的優越に関する全ての宣伝を禁止するべき。... ■Sexual slavery practices against “comfort women” 14....The Committee considers that any such acts carried out against the will of the victims are sufficient to consider them as human rights violations involving the direct legal responsibility of the State party.... complaints to seek criminal investigation and prosecution against perpetrators have been rejected on the ground of the statute of limitations. The Committee considers that this situation reflects ongoing violations of the victims’ human rights ■「慰安婦」に対する性的奴隷制の慣行 14.....それらを考慮すれば委員会は被害者の意思に反して行われるような行為は、 締約国の直接の法的責任を伴う人権侵害として十分であると考えている。... 加害者に対する刑事捜査と訴追を求める苦情が時効を理由に拒否されている。 委員会は、この状況が犠牲者の人権を現在進行形で侵害していると考えます。
>>156 >強制連行で日本に連れてきたくせにヘイトスピーチなんぞする資格なんてねえんだよ ↓ 済州島四・三事件 Jeju Uprising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 60,000 individuals were killed …. …South Korean army resulted in tens of thousands of deaths, the destruction of many villages …. …Many residents of Jeju escaped from the massacre to Japan. 韓国軍は6万人を殺し…多くの村を破壊し尽くしました…。…済州島の多くの居住者は、大虐殺から日本まで逃げました。
コリアンは日本を侵略者と呼びます。朝鮮半島は古代日本の地域でした。そしてコリアンは日本に侵略した。Korean say "Japan is invader". Korean peninsula was ancient Japanese area. And Korean invade Japan. ↓ 任那 Mimana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 2 Hypotheses about the meaning Inoue Hideo ... ancient Japanese Wa people ... in the Korean peninsula ... Mimama ...[9] 井上秀雄...古代日本の倭人が...朝鮮半島にいた。...任那...[9] 3 References 9.^ Jump up to: a b c d Rurarz 2009, p.90 4 Bibliography Joanna Rurarz (2009). Historia Korei. Dialog. ISBN 978-83-89899-28-6 Kofun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 古墳は日本の巨石の墓または塚です。 ...朝鮮半島で発見。 Kofun ... are megalithic tombs or tumuli in Japan ... discovered on the Korean peninsula.... 刀伊の入寇 Toi invasion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia そして壱岐、津島とそれから博多湾を襲撃しました。 ..彼らは村を奪い去って、奴隷として日本人を誘拐しました。 ... 彼らは、韓国人と特定されました。 then assaulted Iki, Tsushima and then Hakata Bay. ... they sacked villages and kidnapped Japanese people for use as slaves. ... they were identified as Koreans. 応永の外寇 Oei Invasion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 1419年6月9日に、(朝鮮王)太宗は対馬に宣戦布告しました....(朝鮮武官)李従茂の艦隊(227隻の船と17,285人の兵士)....韓国が対馬占領を断念。 On June 9, 1419, Taejong declared a war against Tsushima....Yi Jong-mu's fleet of 227 ships and 17,285 soldiers.... Korea gave up occupation of Tsushima.
以下が、国連 the United Nations の公式文書だよ。 日本の、おまえらは、国が警察に逮捕させよ、と国連文書に書かれているよ。
[ Human Rights Committee ]
Concluding observations report of Japan ---------------------------------------
Hate speech and racial discrimination -------------------------------------
The Committee expresses concern at the widespread racist discourse against members of minority groups, such as Koreans, Chinese or Burakumin, inciting hatred and discrimination against them, and the insufficient protection granted against these acts in the criminal and civil code. The Committee also expresses concern at the high number of extremist demonstrations authorised, the harassment and violence perpetrated against minorities, including against foreign students, as well the open display in private establishments of signs such as “Japanese only” (arts. 2, 19, 20 and 27).
The State should prohibit all propaganda advocating racial superiority or hatred that incites to discrimination, hostility or violence, and should prohibit demonstrations that intended to disseminate such propaganda. The State party should also allocate sufficient resources for awareness-raising campaigns against racism and increase its efforts to ensure that judges, prosecutors and police officials are trained to be able to detect hate and racially motivated crimes. The State party should also take all necessary steps to prevent racist attacks and to ensure that the alleged perpetrators are thoroughly investigated and prosecuted and, if convicted, punished with appropriate sanctions.
The High Commissioner for Human Rights is the principal human rights official of the United Nations.
The High Commissioner heads OHCHR and spearheads the United Nations' human rights efforts.
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
OHCHR address: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Palais Wilson 52 rue des Pâquis CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland.
Postal address: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Palais des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Civil Society Section Telephone: +41 22 917 9656 Mail:
>>234 日本の先住民族はヤマト・琉球・アイヌ。Japanese Indigenous peoples is Yamato & Ryukyu & Ainu. 日本の移民はコリアン。コリアンは人種主義。Japanese immigrant peoples is Korean. Korean is racist.
大和民族 Yamato people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 大和民族は日本初にして唯一の王朝を持つ。 The Yamato clan set up Japan's first and only dynasty. 用法の歴史 2 History of usage In the 6th century, the Yamato dynasty ― one of many tribes, of various origins 6世紀(大和王朝)に ― 多様な起源の多くの部族の一つ 琉球民族 3 Ryukyuan people sub-group that constitutes Japanese ethnicity together with the Yamato because of close similarities 緊密な類似点のため、大和と共に日本の民族性を構成するサブグループ KAKEN - 日本列島北端で展開された雑穀農耕文化の実態(08610419) 畑作農耕は7世紀後半から9世紀中頃までは石狩低地帯以南の地で展開され...12〜13世紀にアイヌ文化へ変化。 7th century to middle 9th century cultivation (farming) -culture was developed in the south of the Ishikari Lowland ... In 12-13th century ... a change ... to the Ainu Culture occurred. ↓ 天皇 Emperor of Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 継承 6 Succession 大和王朝の男系を参照してください。 See the male line of the Yamato dynasty.
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
PART I Article 1 2. This Convention shall not apply to distinctions, exclusions, restrictions or preferences made by a State Party to this Convention between citizens and non-citizens.
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
PART I Article 1 2. This Convention shall not apply to distinctions, exclusions, restrictions or preferences made by a State Party to this Convention between citizens and non-citizens.
治安維持法 Peace Preservation Law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 治安維持法は、日本の帝国の間、制定された一連の法律。全般的にこの法律は政治的な反論を抑えるようになっていました。.... アメリカの占領当局によって第二次世界大戦終了後に無効化された。 The Public Security Preservation Laws were a series of laws enacted during the Empire of Japan. Collectively, the laws were designed to suppress political dissent..... repealed after the end of World War II by the American occupation authorities.
さらに上記「検閲指針」の違反者は米軍の軍事法廷で訴追され、沖縄における 強制重労働3年乃至5年であった。「Apr 29, 1949: The editor of the magazine “Emancipation News” was sentenced to five years of hard labor(Braw1991,chapter7)」
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
PART I Article 1 2. This Convention shall not apply to distinctions, exclusions, restrictions or preferences made by a State Party to this Convention between citizens and non-citizens.
以下が、国連 the United Nations の公式文書だよ。 日本の、おまえらは、国が警察に逮捕させよ、と国連文書に書かれているよ。
[ Human Rights Committee ]
Concluding observations report of Japan ---------------------------------------
Hate speech and racial discrimination -------------------------------------
The Committee expresses concern at the widespread racist discourse against members of minority groups, such as Koreans, Chinese or Burakumin, inciting hatred and discrimination against them, and the insufficient protection granted against these acts in the criminal and civil code. The Committee also expresses concern at the high number of extremist demonstrations authorised, the harassment and violence perpetrated against minorities, including against foreign students, as well the open display in private establishments of signs such as “Japanese only” (arts. 2, 19, 20 and 27).
The State should prohibit all propaganda advocating racial superiority or hatred that incites to discrimination, hostility or violence, and should prohibit demonstrations that intended to disseminate such propaganda. The State party should also allocate sufficient resources for awareness-raising campaigns against racism and increase its efforts to ensure that judges, prosecutors and police officials are trained to be able to detect hate and racially motivated crimes. The State party should also take all necessary steps to prevent racist attacks and to ensure that the alleged perpetrators are thoroughly investigated and prosecuted and, if convicted, punished with appropriate sanctions.
The High Commissioner for Human Rights is the principal human rights official of the United Nations.
The High Commissioner heads OHCHR and spearheads the United Nations' human rights efforts.
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
OHCHR address: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Palais Wilson 52 rue des Pâquis CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland.
Postal address: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Palais des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Civil Society Section Telephone: +41 22 917 9656 Mail:
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
PART I Article 1 2. This Convention shall not apply to distinctions, exclusions, restrictions or preferences made by a State Party to this Convention between citizens and non-citizens.
>>570 いやそれは、OHCHRの下のHuman Rights Committee(CCPR:International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights)での文書ではあるけど、 >>1 のは同じくOHCHRの下のCommittee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) の文書の話なんだが。
そして今回のメインテーマが“ヘイトスピーチ問題” それも明らかな歪曲・捏造報道だった。最終見解には、こう記されている。 「members of minority groups, such as Koreans, Chinese or Burakumin (朝鮮人・シナ人・部落民といった少数派のメンバー)」 UN委員会は、同和地区出身者への“ヘイトスピーチ”が横行していると断罪したのだ。同和関連の差別・煽動が深刻化している? どこの世界線の話なのか…今回、反日メディアは、その部分を完全隠蔽した。 参照:朝日新聞7月25日『国連人権委、ヘイトスピーチ禁止勧告 日本に実行求める』 朝日新聞などは、最終見解の誤認を隠し、自社のキャンペーンに添うようリメイクしている。 そのまま報道すれば、いかにUN委員が不適切な“資料”に頼っているか、たちまち判明してしまう。 自らが吐いたウソへの批判を一方的に憎悪表現と見なし、言論弾圧を勧めているのだ。 本末転倒のUNゴミ機関。捏造慰安婦に火に油を注いで、延焼させていることへの自覚が全くない… 今回、ジュネーブで見出されたのは、ありもしない“問題”を作り出す腐り切った 反日マッチポンプ構造であった。