Meanwhile, the Health Ministry, which said Spain had obtained a dose of the experimental Ebola drug ZMapp to treat Romero, said it actually has ZMab, another version of the drug.
"It is possible in the coming days that we will see additional cases of Ebola," Frieden said. That's because others who provided care to Duncan could have had the same kind of breach as the infected nurse.
-- (※)出典:カナダ保健省HP/エボラウイルスの病原体安全データシート - 伝染の概要 (Public Health Agency of Canada - EBOLAVIRUS - PATHOGEN SAFETY DATA SHEET - INFECTIOUS SUBSTANCES)
> INFECTIOUS DOSE: Viral hemorrhagic fevers have an infectious dose of 1 - 10 organisms by aerosol in non-human primates Footnote.(※) 上記引用の翻訳[感染量:ヒト以外の霊長類において、ウイルス性出血熱のエアロゾルによる感染量は1ー10個。]
※ 原文には根拠が"Clinical recognition and management of patients exposed to biological warfare agents."[『生物兵器にさらされた患者の臨床的認識と管理』]と脚注あり。 また、USAMRIID(アメリカ陸軍感染症医学研究所)のMedical Management of Biological Casualties Handbook[『生物学的死傷への医療対応ハンドブック』] 第5版でも、エアロゾルでの感染成立量は同様の記述となっている。 --
Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said health authorities are still investigating how the nurse became infected while caring for Thomas Eric Duncan in an isolation ward at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital.
Frieden also apologized to officials at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas. He said his comments Sunday that Pham's infection was the result of a "breach of protocol" did not reflect on Pham or the hospital's efforts.
(※2)『全国看護師連合』:National Nurses Unitedを直訳してみた。 記事中では、National Nurses United, which serves as both a union and a professional association for U.S. nurses. とあるから、合衆国看護師の専門教育機関と組合の両方の役割を持っている、らしい。
Health officials confirmed Monday night that test results for a patient in isolation in Ottawa came back negative for the Ebola virus, while a man with Ebola-like symptoms remains in isolation at a hospital in Belleville, Ont., awaiting blood-test results.
カナダ保健省 「エボラの取説」 SUSCEPTIBILITY TO DISINFECTANTS: Ebolavirus is susceptible to 3% acetic acid, 1% glutaraldehyde, alcohol-based products, and dilutions (1:10-1:100 for ≥10 minutes) of 5.25% household bleach (sodium hypochlorite), and calcium hypochlorite (bleach powder) Footnote 48 Footnote 49 Footnote 50 Footnote 62 Footnote 63.
The WHO recommendations for cleaning up spills of blood or body fluids suggest flooding the area with a 1:10 dilutions of 5.25% household bleach for 10 minutes for surfaces that can tolerate stronger bleach solutions (e.g., cement, metal) Footnote 62.
For surfaces that may corrode or discolour, they recommend careful cleaning to remove visible stains followed by contact with a 1:100 dilution of 5.25% household bleach for more than 10 minutes.
カナダ保健省 「エボラの取説」 SUSCEPTIBILITY TO DISINFECTANTS: Ebolavirus is susceptible to 3% acetic acid, 1% glutaraldehyde, alcohol-based products, and dilutions (1:10-1:100 for ≥10 minutes) of 5.25% household bleach (sodium hypochlorite), and calcium hypochlorite (bleach powder) Footnote 48 Footnote 49 Footnote 50 Footnote 62 Footnote 63.
The WHO recommendations for cleaning up spills of blood or body fluids suggest flooding the area with a 1:10 dilutions of 5.25% household bleach for 10 minutes for surfaces that can tolerate stronger bleach solutions (e.g., cement, metal) Footnote 62.
For surfaces that may corrode or discolour, they recommend careful cleaning to remove visible stains followed by contact with a 1:100 dilution of 5.25% household bleach for more than 10 minutes.
288 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2010/12/30(木) 00:43:46 ID:o05Qtm4VO 2005年の女性との事件は警察と女性と本人の間で示談なりもう解決してるでしょ? JKに迷惑かけて二度と相手にしてもらえないから構って欲しくて終わったことを叩くネタにするんだよね そもそも女性とJK間の話であってお前のことじゃないのに。 293 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2010/12/30(木) 00:53:21 ID:o05Qtm4VO 被害届け出されたかどうかは知らないよ もし事実ならもう示談してるから音楽活動できてるんじゃないの?って話で。 お前事実かどうか確定してないのに言ってたわけ? そういうことすると逮捕されるからやめなよ 298 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2010/12/30(木) 01:07:00 ID:NnN2wr2g0 まめに削除依頼おつ
> President Barack Obama was briefed by Frieden and senior members of the administration about the second Dallas case and stressed that “lessons learned” from the CDC’s investigation should be shared with hospitals and healthcare workers across the country, the White House said.
> Meanwhile, Louisiana's top law enforcement official said he was granted a temporary restraining order to prevent the personal items of Duncan, who died on Wednesday, from being buried in a local landfill after being incinerated.
Another key number: how many days elapse between the time symptoms occur (which is when a person becomes contagious) and when health officials diagnose the disease in that person. Driving that number down is critical to containing the virus.
>>721 カナダ保健省 「エボラの取説」 SUSCEPTIBILITY TO DISINFECTANTS: Ebolavirus is susceptible to 3% acetic acid, 1% glutaraldehyde, alcohol-based products, and dilutions (1:10-1:100 for ≥10 minutes) of 5.25% household bleach (sodium hypochlorite), and calcium hypochlorite (bleach powder) Footnote 48 Footnote 49 Footnote 50 Footnote 62 Footnote 63.
The WHO recommendations for cleaning up spills of blood or body fluids suggest flooding the area with a 1:10 dilutions of 5.25% household bleach for 10 minutes for surfaces that can tolerate stronger bleach solutions (e.g., cement, metal) Footnote 62.
For surfaces that may corrode or discolour, they recommend careful cleaning to remove visible stains followed by contact with a 1:100 dilution of 5.25% household bleach for more than 10 minutes.
Dr. David Sanders, top Ebola virologist and Purdue University professor of biological science, explained that a very closely related virus is known to spread among animals via the air.