'Alita: Battle Angel' Shares Teaser Trailer Hollywood isn’t ready to give up on live-action anime or manga just yet. Alita: Battle Angel is one of the industry’s next attempts at the genre, and a teaser trailer for the Robert Rodriguez film has dropped.
As you can see above, 20th Century Fox just shared its first teaser of Alita: Battle Angel. The short clip shows close-ups of Alita as the cyborg checks over herself. It ends with two scientists staring at the revived heroine before one says, “Well, look at you.”
Right now, it looks like Alita: Battle Angel will get its full trailer released tomorrow. 20th Century Fox’s tweet says “her journey begins tomorrow,” so fans will want to keep their eyes peeled for the feature.
If you are not familiar with Alita: Battle Angel, then you may know it by another name. The series is originally titled Battle Angel Alita and was made by Yukito Kishiro in 1990. The series itself is set in a post-apocalyptic future. It focuses on a cyborg named Alita who is brought back online after losing all her memories.
After being rebuilt by a cybernetic doctor named Daisuke Ido, Alita finds she remembers one piece of her past. The girl is versed in the legendary cyborg martial art Panzer Kunst, and Alita uses her skills to become a bounty hunter. The series then follows the heroine as she tries to relearn the events of her past whilst hunting down criminals.
天才的なサイボーグ空手家。顔の横まで伸びた複眼とドレッドヘアーのような頭部のチューブが特徴。 超電磁空手の創始者呑破(ドンファー)とは共に火星で古式唐手を学んだライバル同士。 その戦闘力は作中でもトップクラスであり、ただの正拳突きでさえその衝撃波で2キロメートル先を破壊できる。 超電磁空手の刀耳(トージ)からLADDER(太陽系条約調停議会)が主催する「森羅天頂武闘大会(Zenith Of Things Tournament、略してZOTT)」に「宇宙空手連合」のメンバーとして参加要請を受ける。 最初は参加者のレベルが低いと無視していたが、自分と同じ「フィジロイ体」を持つゼクスに興味を抱き参加した。 圧倒的な実力で水星のナノマシン生命体アノーマリーや金星代表チーム「ゲノム王国」を倒し決勝でガリィ率いる「宇宙天使隊(スペース・エンジェルス)」と戦う。ゼクスを破るが、すでに即身物となったはずの呑破が出現。 決着を付けるべく戦いを挑むが、右腕を失い奥義「是空掌」により月面に強制的にワープさせられた。